Every season, Live Action offers students and post-graduate students the opportunity to engage in the pro-life movement through its internship program.
Like most college students preparing to graduate and enter the workforce, I began searching for and applying to potential jobs months before graduation day. A few months into the job search, I didn’t have much on the table except a bunch of places I either applied to or inquired about. I understood the concept of “It doesn’t hurt to ask,” so on a whim – and without knowing at the time that Live Action was promoting its summer internship program – I applied online.
Skip ahead a few months to June, and I’m in D.C. working for Live Action as the social media intern. To say that I got the internship out of pure luck is an understatement; it was truly a blessing. Some companies only have limited opportunities for its interns. Live Action isn’t one of those places. Working for the pro-life nonprofit gave me the opportunity to grow in my understanding of social media and news writing, while expanding on my efforts to end abortion.
One of my most memorable moments interning for Live Action was getting the opportunity to take photos outside the Supreme Court of the United States during the court decision of Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt. Demonstrators freely expressed their First Amendment rights on the issue of abortion as pro-lifers and pro-choicers awaited the Court’s decision on whether or not abortion facilities in Texas would have to be up to par on the same health and safety regulations surgical centers adhere to.
Although our nation’s highest court ruled in favor of the abortion industry, I was able to capture moments of strength, hope and courage the pro-life movement had on this important decision. My experience outside the Supreme Court that summer day reinforced my pro-life beliefs and why I’m in it to win it, to abolish abortion.
Besides the amazing opportunities to effectively make a difference in the fight for life, the people at Live Action are genuinely fun to work with. Yes, there’s a lot of good work needing to be done, but there’s also the feeling of being surrounded by people who really do care about your well-being. And that’s why Live Action’s internship program is uniquely different from anything else out there.
If you’re a college student or a recent graduate, and you’re looking to grow in the pro-life movement, I challenge you to take the leap of faith – don’t focus on pay, housing or not knowing anyone in a completely new place – and apply for Live Action’s internship program. It doesn’t hurt to ask.
Live Action is currently hiring for its winter/spring internship program. For more information about this amazing opportunity, visit http://liveaction.org/internship-application/.