President-elect Trump was condemned this year for his past comments about women. President Obama was particularly emphatic, denouncing misogynistic language as simply unacceptable.
Some Clinton supporters didn’t agree.
The former Secretary of State spoke at a concert that included rapper J. Cole, who performed his song “No Role Modelz.” Its chorus declares, “Don’t save her, she don’t wanna be saved.” Who’s “her?” According to the lyrics, she’s either “a bitch” or “a hoe.” Here’s how he talks about treating such women: “F–k em’ then we kick em’ to the door.”
Also in attendance was hip-hop star Big Sean. Sean accepted a plea deal in a sexual assault case and raps about being a pimp. In some ways, it’s not surprising that Clinton would appear with men who denigrate women. After all, she supports an organization that gives them a hand.
Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain, a fact some guys really appreciate:
That’s a quote from best selling author Tucker Max, and he’s described how abortion kept him from paying child support to “slutty whores.” The desire to avoid child support is pretty common, and it’s an element of why many women feel pressured into having abortions:
Things can get deadly when that pressure is resisted. New moms have been smothered, shot, stabbed, burned, and beaten to death for choosing life, which partly explains of why homicide is a leading cause of death during pregnancy. Of course, abortion doesn’t just help some men save money; it helps others make it.
When appearing before a Texas Joint Interim Committee to Study Human Trafficking, Dallas Department of Public Safety officer Jeff Williams said traffickers frequently use abortion to keep their victims working. A survey of trafficking survivors published in Annals of Health supports that claim, with over half undergoing at least one abortion; some were up to a dozen. The video below was produced by an anti-trafficking group called A21 Campaign, and it features a survivor named Nicole. Nicole describes being forced into two abortions, something she calls “the hardest.”
What would you say if someone asked you to set up abortions on child prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on?” Well, this is what a Planned Parenthood clinic director told two Live Action investigators who claimed to be pimps: “If they’re 14 and under, just send them right there if they need an abortion, OK?”
Finally, abortion can also help a man stay out of jail. It helped Edgar Ramirez; the child rapist got Planned Parenthood to perform two abortions on his 13 year-old daughter in less than six months. The fact that she was below the age of consent didn’t motivate anyone to call the authorities. The victims of Timothy Smith, Gary Cross, John Blanks, Jr., Luis Gonzalez-Jose, Andrew King, John Haller, Adam Gault, and Grey David Woods didn’t get much concern either.
And the abortion industry isn’t helping to change this situation. In Michigan, Planned Parenthood opposed legislation to protect women from coercion and violence. Meanwhile, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas said a bill requiring that abortion facilities offer a private room with a telephone to contact law enforcement was “not needed.” So what’s the best way to keep Planned Parenthood and its friends from enabling abuse?
Stop enabling them.
Tell Congress Planned Parenthood’s funding belongs at federally qualified health centers and community health centers instead. They’re more accessible and offer services Planned Parenthood won’t. Because the bottom line is, your tax dollars should be helping victims — not victimizers.