
Lila Rose: California AG putting his political agenda ahead of the law by punishing those who exposed Planned Parenthood's baby parts trafficking

Arlington, VA (March 29, 2017) — Statement from Lila Rose, president and founder of national pro-life organization Live Action, on California Attorney General Xavier Becerra charging the Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for their undercover work exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby parts trafficking:

“Using state power to attack citizen journalists who expose crimes against the defenseless is a severe miscarriage of justice.

“The real criminal is Planned Parenthood, not David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. The Center for Medical Progress did a tremendous service by exposing the barbaric baby parts trafficking that Planned Parenthood had kept hidden behind closed doors. They should be lauded for their brave work, not punished.

“California’s last two pro-abortion attorneys general have yet to investigate Planned Parenthood after two congressional committees found significant evidence that it may have broken the law with its baby parts trafficking scheme. Similar charges against David and Sandra were dropped in Texas months ago, yet Mr. Becerra insists on punishing them and putting his political agenda ahead of the laws that he was sworn to uphold.”

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