Last Friday, October 7, Lila Rose addressed a crowd of over 200 high school and college students about the importance of taking a stand to defend unborn children during the Student Mixer at the Values Voter Summit. Thousands attended the annual event held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, and a good number of the attendees were students that represented high schools and colleges from across the country. The mixer was held so students could network and find ways to use their talents and passions in the pro-life cause.
Ms. Rose then answered questions from the crowd regarding how high school students can get more involved with Live Action, the legality of her undercover investigations of Planned Parenthood and their involvement in underage sex slavery, and how to address others when discussing abortion, all of which she answered eloquently. After the program, Ms. Rose stayed to personally speak with many of the young people who displayed an excitement to become more active in what they stand for.