
Lila Rose: One year later, Congress has uncovered mountains of evidence, yet Planned Parenthood’s barbaric baby parts trade continues

ARLINGTON, VA (Thursday, July 14, 2016) — Statement from Lila Rose, president and founder of the national pro-life organization Live Action, on the one-year anniversary of the Planned Parenthood baby body parts trafficking scandal:

“One year ago today, the Center for Medical Progress started releasing horrific undercover videos showing senior Planned Parenthood officials talking casually about altering abortion procedures on often-vulnerable, unsuspecting women to harvest intact organs from their preborn children and then negotiating prices for the body parts.

“While the abortion giant has told women for years that their precious preborn children are nothing but ‘clumps of cells,’ it has eagerly harvested and trafficked their babies’ hearts, brains, eyes, legs, and livers.

“Despite Planned Parenthood’s repeated claim that the CMP videos were doctored, Congress has uncovered mountains of evidence — including invoices — showing that Planned Parenthood received large sums of money for the parts of children it aborted. The House Select Investigative Panel also found that Planned Parenthood used invalid consent forms that misled women about the promise of fetal tissue research and found that it also likely illegally shared personal and medical information about those women with outside tissue brokers.

“Tragically, one year later, Planned Parenthood’s barbaric baby parts trade is allowed to continue, and taxpayers are still forced to subsidize the abortion chain with more than a half billion dollars each year. Of the billions of dollars Planned Parenthood has received from taxpayers, it has given back millions in campaign contributions to politicians who protect it from the laws that everyone else has to follow. Planned Parenthood must not only be prosecuted, the next Congress and president must defund the abortion giant and redirect the dollars to community health clinics across America that provide true holistic health care for women and their families.”

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