Following US District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt’s decision to restore funding to Planned Parenthood in Indiana after the state defunded the organization, Live Action president Lila Rose issued the following statement:
“Judge Pratt, an Obama appointee, has chosen to side with the bullying of the Obama administration in their attempts to further a radical and dangerous pro-abortion ideology. Planned Parenthood in Indiana conducts over half of the abortions in the state, yet serves less than 1% of the state’s Medicaid patients.
“President Obama’s laser-like and extreme focus on protecting abortion giant Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding puts vulnerable women, young girls, and unborn children at grave risk. Several of Indiana’s Planned Parenthoods have been caught by Live Action covering up child sexual abuse and misinforming vulnerable women of medical information, and Planned Parenthood continues to corner the abortion market in Indiana.
“There are 800 other medical clinics in Indiana that serve Medicaid patients. There is no reason taxpayer dollars should go to Planned Parenthood in any state. We urge Indiana to file an appeal immediately to lift the injunction and block funds from going to the this abusive abortion chain.”
About Live Action: Over the past four years, Live Action has released undercover videos revealing Planned Parenthood clinics across the country (including Indiana) covering up the sexual abuse of children and violating mandatory reporting laws for statutory rape. In February, Live Action released new undercover footage showing 7 Planned Parenthood clinics in 4 states willing to aid and abet the commercial sex trafficking of underage girls. The videos prompted the House of Representatives to vote twice to defund Planned Parenthood of all federal taxpayer subsidies. To learn more go to
To speak with Lila, please contact Kristina Hernandez at 703-373-0632 or