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May 6th, 2014 – “Letts’s campaign to normalize the execution of a child lies to all of us. She claims to film an abortion, but that is the one thing we don’t see. We don’t see the powerful suction machine ripping the developing embryo from the safe harbor of Letts’s uterus. We don’t see the child’s delicate arm and leg buds ripped apart by the force of the suction tube, or the child’s body parts floating afterward in a pool of blood and amniotic fluid in a medical receptacle. All we see is Letts’s smile, not her victim. In a society that religiously ignores the victim, we will never achieve lasting peace.
Letts’s triumphant smile after her child has been torn apart by a suction tube is a grotesque testament to a society that has come to embrace the slaughter of a child as “empowerment.” Let’s rededicate ourselves to fight for a nation that would have protected Letts’s child, even when she won’t. In honor of Letts’ child – whose own smile our world will tragically never know – let us redouble our efforts to make this nation safe for every child.”