ARLINGTON, VA (January 8, 2016) – “President Obama, against the will of the people and the Congress that they elected, is forcing every taxpaying American to subsidize the nation’s biggest abortion chain – a corporation that single-handedly kills over 320,000 children every year by abortion, including children who are up to six months of development in the womb.
“It’s no surprise that in polls, voters have rated President Obama as the country’s worst president since World War II. His extremism on abortion and his unflinching opposition to every pro-life policy, as well as his willful ignorance of the multiple documented criminal acts of Planned Parenthood, show that he’s committed to paying back the abortion giant for the $12 million it spent to get him reelected in 2012.
“Abortion extremism is not popular, and when it’s exposed, it becomes more than distasteful to the vast majority of people. That’s why while Planned Parenthood whole-heartedly supports late-term and even partial-birth abortion, the vast majority of Americans stand against it.
“Live Action will continue to expose Planned Parenthood’s criminal acts, its extremism, and its repeated abuses so that leadership in Washington will finish the job and end taxpayer funding to the abortion chain.”