A recent e-mail for those who subscribe to Live Action went out from Lila Rose announcing the launching of Live Action Advocate, “a 501c4 dedicated to advocacy for the most defenceless, especially those who become the victims of abortion and other human rights abuses.”
Live Action Advocate is currently on the web and has been launched just in time for the upcoming presidential race of 2012. Viewers of the website can find a link to register to vote, a link to investigative projects done by Live Action, a link to where the two presidential candidates stand on the issue, and a link to the online and PDF versions of Live Action’s The Advocate.
The e-mail also mentions “some exciting projects … coming up in just the next few days,” which include a new investigative project described as “one of most powerful and heart-wrenching investigations to date[.]”
The Advocate focuses on the 2012 election and bears the title “Election 2012 – The Battle for Life.” The edition features articles from Live Action News contributors, including myself and Laura Pedero.