Saving lives from abortion through education is the mission of Live Action, and when a life is saved, families often reach out to share their stories of how Live Action content inspired them or their loved ones to choose life. Recently, Live Action’s Sami Parker took to Instagram to share some messages from those families. These messages are reminders of why all pro-lifers must be bold in the fight for life.
Some women shared how their own babies were saved from abortion because they had already been educated on abortion by Live Action before becoming pregnant unexpectedly.
“My own son [was saved from abortion]. I was severely pressured by the [father] to abort thru intimidation, threats, manipulation, bribes and many other venomous methods,” said one mother. “If I had not been strong in my faith and armed with the knowledge your organization spreads, a weaker woman would of succumbed to the pressure.”
Likewise, a young mother said, “My baby [was saved from abortion]. I have always been pro-life, but when I got pregnant unexpectedly, I think I wouldn’t have been as strong as I was, and I could’ve made a different choice if I wasn’t presented every day for the last years with how important and precious life is.”
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One woman explained, “… I had gone through an unplanned pregnancy and carried my child even though I was unemployed, going through the father not wanting or loving us, I placed him up for adoption and he’s thriving.”
Others told of how by sharing Live Action content with their friends, they were able to save a baby.
One follower wrote, “My younger sister was deciding whether to keep her baby because she was going to be a single mother, I sent her multiple articles, posts and story’s [sic] from Live Action and she changed her mind to keep her baby and now she is happier than ever :)”
Another mentioned, “I shared Dr. Anthony Levatino telling how an abortion is performed on my Instagram story and few months later my friend told me that’s why she kept her baby!” Live Action’s website What Is Abortion? shows the most common abortion procedures, narrated by female former abortionists.
Another told of how she consistently shares Live Action content with pregnant women who are seriously considering abortion. “I have been able to share content with pregnant mothers considering abortion and used your content to show them how abortion will only hurt them and their baby. The women who chose life because of their baby would like to remain anonymous, but it is thanks to Live Action’s work.”
Another Live Action follower shared, “My niece did not have an abortion bc of all of the educational content from Live Action that I was sharing on social media. The abortion industry puts out lies luring young girls in. Those lies are defeated by the truth shared by Live Action. Thank you!”
Another follower wrote, “I showed my sister-in-law what an abortion would consist of and she decided to keep her baby.”
A teenager shared, “… [W]ith your video series on how to reply to pro-abortion arguments my friends and I studied them for a booth we did at the county fair. A young mother and father contemplating abortion came up to us and were wondering about what to do. They asked peaceful and non-protest-like questions. Through your video, I and my pro-life group were able to save their baby from an abortion. We set them up with [their] local pregnancy center. Now there is a beautiful baby in this world who will experience their beautiful life because of you. Thank you so much!”
When pro-lifers share pro-life content on social media or with their friends and family, they can often face pushback and criticism, but saving even one life makes an immeasurable, incalculable difference in the world. Be bold for life. Follow and share Live Action’s content on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook as well as Live Action president and founder Lila Rose’s Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and Live Action News’ Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.