
Live Action calls for Equal Protection for the preborn under 14th Amendment

On June 12, Live Action held a press conference on the grounds of the United States Capitol to commemorate the second anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade and to call for congressional action to recognize the right to life guaranteed to every American — including the preborn — under the 14th Amendment. 

The event was emceed by Christina Bennett, Live Action’s news correspondent. Speakers included OB-GYN and former abortionist Dr. John Bruchalski, Representative Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), Representative Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.), Ethics and Public Policy Center fellow and National Review contributing writer Alexandra DeSanctis, Human Coalition’s Southeast Regional Director of Strategic Partnerships Julie Scott Emmons, Representative Bob Good (R-Va.), Students for Life of America Student Leader Liz Mooney, Sidewalk Advocates for Life’s President and CEO Lauren Muzyka, Concerned Women for America’s Executive Vice President Annabelle Rutledge, and Americans United for Life CEO John Mize.

Overturning Roe was just the beginning

Many speakers decried the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade and applauded the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision which overturned it in June of 2022. Rep. Good said the Supreme Court showed “courage” in the Dobbs decision, adding: 

There are 63 million fewer Americans with us today – 63 million fewer teachers, doctors, medical practitioners, engineers, pastors, [and] missionaries… in our culture and our society. Sixty-three million fewer people … contributing to our economy, making us better, stronger. Inventing things, creating things, building things, fixing things. They are not in our country today because of the terrible Roe vs. Wade decision[.]

Several speakers pointed out that, even in this post-Roe era, children are still being brutally killed by abortion in unfathomable numbers. “The horrific reality is that, even after the fall of Roe v. Wade, 2,800 babies are killed in the womb by abortion every day in America,” Christina Bennett stated. “That is 117 precious souls every hour, almost two children per minute killed in our nation.”

Similarly, Rep. Good noted: “Abortion is still the leading killer today in America – more than heart disease, more than cancer.” 

Rep Lamborn observed: 

While we’ve seen progress with thousands of lives saved over the last two years, we’ve also witnessed a troubling increase in abortion rates in some states. The fight for life is far from over. Challenges persist, including the distribution of dangerous abortion drugs. Our fight continues, and we must harness the momentum from Dobbs to secure further victories.

Congress must act

Speakers emphasized that Dobbs did not go far enough, and that Congress has a duty to enact total legal protections for the preborn. Lauren Muzyka said:

We call on Congress today to do their job and protect every human being in these United States under the 14th Amendment. This is not a drill. The overturning of Roe righted a 50-year wrong. It reversed a shoddy legal decision based on outdated science, and it was a step in the right direction. But what it wasn’t able to do was fully restore the right to life to every human being, born and unborn.

Representatives Mooney and Lamborn detailed their respective legislative efforts aimed at achieving the goal of equal legal protection for all. Rep. Lamborn noted his introduction of the Second Chance at Life Act, which, he said, “would require doctors to advise patients that two-step medication abortions are reversible between the first and second steps.” Read more here about the process coined “abortion pill reversal,” which, as Live Action News previously reported, “essentially works by supplementing the mother with the hormone progesterone to counteract the effects of mifepristone (the first drug in the abortion pill regimen), which inhibits the pregnancy-sustaining action of the woman’s naturally occurring progesterone.”

Rep. Mooney highlighted his role as lead sponsor of the Protecting Life and Health Savings Account Act, which would “prohibit the life-taking procedure of abortion from being counted as an eligible medical expense for HSA health savings accounts,” according to Mooney. He also stated: “I have a bill that … says that the right to life, guaranteed by the Constitution, protects the unborn from the moment of conception.”

Moving forward with hope

Ultimately, speakers agreed that it is imperative for pro-lifers to hold on to hope and boldly press forward. Annabelle Rutledge stated: 

[T]ruth has no expiration date. Truth can beget courage…. [W]e’ve seen it inspire whole generations. And truth must be championed today more than ever. So let’s fight for it together. Fight for freedom and liberty. Fight for truth. Stand for life. Fight for equal protection of the unborn, and never lose hope.

John Mize similarly said: “Let’s embrace hope this morning…. Hope as we continue working toward equal protection and hope that our culture will increasingly believe in the value of every human life before and after birth.”

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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