Live Action is wrapping up another year of fighting to uphold the right to life of all human beings.
In 2024, Live Action educated viewers and readers on the truth about sex, abortion, euthanasia, and more. In addition to reaching a vast and growing audience through social media, Live Action reached out to legislators through its annual Live Action Lawmakers Summit, and the leaders of tomorrow at its first-ever Live Action Young Leaders Summit. Live Action reached 40 million people a month with compelling pro-life content and 47% of surveyed followers said that content has changed their position on abortion.
Here are the top 10 Live Action highlights of 2024:
1. “Face to Face” Video Series
The Live Action Face to Face series brought together individuals deeply affected by abortion in different ways: abortion survivors, former abortionists, former abortion facility workers, and mothers who live with abortion regret.
The meaningful and vulnerable conversations helped to bring about healing while exposing the deep trauma experienced by those involved with abortion. The videos have been viewed nearly 52 million times so far… and there are likely more of these conversations to come in 2025.
2. “The Truth about Sex” Video Series
In 2024, Live Action released its The Truth About Sex video series to enlighten young (and not-so-young) minds about relationships, sex, and love — all of which directly impact abortion. The videos discussed the history surrounding sexual ethics, the truth about the sexual revolution and purity culture, the “magic” of monogamy, the crisis of fatherlessness, and the harms of contraception.
Many of the facts and perspectives shared in the video series are new information for young adults today. Many viewers shared the impact the videos had on them:
“We need more videos like this. A well-articulated apologetic on morality.”
“Why are we not taught this in history class!?!?! People would have a different outlook at Christians.”
“It took me 30 years to learn this and you just laid it out in a few minutes…”
“Can we show this in every high school ASAP? WOW. Excellent.”
The Truth About Sex series has been viewed 20 million times so far since launching in May 2024.
3. “Baby Olivia” goes to school and the UN
Live Action’s “Meet Baby Olivia” groundbreaking video about prenatal human development headed to school in 2024 after Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed House Bill 2435 into law in April. The law requires all public schools in the state to include an approved prenatal chid development segment in the state-mandated age-appropriate family life curriculum.
Either a three-minute ultrasound or computer animation can satisfy the requirements, and “Meet Baby Olivia” is listed as an animation option that would meet the law’s specifications.
“Meet Baby Olivia” was created in collaboration with medical experts, using data from the Endowment for Human Development (EHD), a non-profit organization “committed to neutrality regarding all controversial bioethical issues.”
Baby Olivia also went to the UN in May with Live Action’s news correspondent Christina Bennett, who spoke at the United Nations in celebration of the International Day of Families.
In her speech, Bennett spoke about Live Action and its mission as a human rights organization, and its understanding of “the importance of educating students on the beauty, dignity and vaue of human life” and how, in line with that mission, it created “Meet Baby Olivia.”
She urged organizations present to share “Baby Olivia” on social media to spread awareness of human development in the womb.
Because the video exposes the humanity of children in the womb, pro-abortion media outlets have attacked “Baby Olivia” as being medically inaccurate, largely using abortionists or abortion activists as their sources. However, some have admitted the truth: that they are concerned that “Baby Olivia” could ‘stigmatize’ abortion, the direct and intentional killing of preborn human beings, and thereby help young people become more likely to choose life.
4. Live Action Lawmakers Summit
Also in 2024, Live Action hosted its third annual Lawmakers Summit, which welcomed 70 lawmakers from 37 states to equip them with policy information and persuasion strategies they can use to end abortion in their states.
Presenters at the Summit included attorney, author, and speaker Josh Craddock, Visiting Fellow in the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at The Heritage Foundation, Melanie Israel, Executive Vice President and Head of Litigation at Thomse More Society, Peter Breen, National Director of Public Policy for Human Coalition, Chelsey Youman, President of Heartbeat of Miami, Martha Avila, CEO of the Alliance Defending Freedom, Alan Sears, and more.
Topics of discussion including the current pro-life legal landscape, how policies can help marriage and families, the rights of women and natural law, adoption, funding and protection alternatives to abortion, and more pro-life discussion relative to today’s society.
5. Young Leaders Summit
In 2024, Live Action hosted its first Young Leaders Summit in California, a one-day conference with more than 800 attendees.
The event featured influential speakers including podcaster and influencer Allie Beth Stuckey, pro-life apologist Trent Horn, Fr. Ambrose of St. Michael’s Abbey, and Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas.
Young leaders at the forefront of the battle for cultural change regarding sex, relationships, and abortion came together to learn from each other and inspire a cultural shift.
6. Gala Honoring Pro-Life Activists
In October, Live Action held its 2024 Life Awards Gala to honor the contributions of three outstanding pro-life advocates. The awardess this year were NFL Coach Jim Harbaugh, pro-life activist Joan Bell, and inspirational speaker Steventhen Holland, an adoptee who was conceived in rape.
Canadian pro-life activist Mary Wagner attended to accept the award on behalf of her longtime friend and mentor, Bell, who is currently incarcerated for her peaceful pro-life activism. Wagner is also a former recipent of the Life Award (2022), when Bell accepted the award on her behalf; at that time, Wagner was in prison for her own peaceful pro-life activism.
“Children have a purity and innocence that truly reflects the heart of God. That’s why we must protect them and treat them with reverence, loyalty, and love,” Harbaugh said in his acceptance speech.
Holland promised to “keep fighting back against the evil that is abortion, and continue to share my story, and my mom’s legacy… Life is still worth fighting for, and no matter how I was conceived, I have worth, I have value, and so do all of you all…. We’re creating a culture of life, and we will win this battle.”
Live Action’s video of Holland’s incredible, moving story was the #1 most-viewed Live Action video of 2024, seen over 13 million times.
7. Live Action Comedy Sketches
Live Action continued to release its satire and comedy videos in 2024, including “Pro-life Men’s Locker Room,” which garnered 2.5 million views, and the short “Pregnancy Announcement Goes Wrong,” featuring Allie Beth Stuckey and Live Action founder and president Lila Rose.
8. Campaign against pro-abortion state amendments
In October, Live Action ran ads urging voters to reject pro-abortion amendments in Missouri and Florida.
In Missouri, the pro-abortion amendment won and could prevent certain infants from receiving life saving medical care at birth. It will also remove all safeguards that would hold medical professionals accountable for actions that result in miscarriage or stillbirth of preborn babies with disabilities.
The pro-abortion amendment proposed in Florida, which would have undone the state’s law protecting preborn children from abortion and allowed the killing of babies through all 40 weeks of pregnancy, failed to pass.
9. Petition to Stop Pharmacies from Dispensing the Abortion Pill
Live Action drafted a petition to urge pharmacies including Walmart, Costco, Kroger, Albertsons, and McKesson not to become certified despeners of the abortion pill. NYC Comptroller Brad Lander had issued letters to the CEOs of these five corporations insisting that they become certified to dispense these pills specifically designed to kill preborn babies in the name of “long-term shareholder value.”
Pharmacies including Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid have already agreed to dispense the abortion pill and saw backlash from pro-life customers who don’t want to use a pharmacy that distributes pills meant to kill.
10. Public Pro-Life Speeches
Live Action’s news correspondent Christina Bennett spoke at the United Nations in May at the UN’s celebration of the International Day of Families, hosted by the Group of Friends of the Family, and organized by the Permanent Mission of Belarus to the United Nations and by The Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam).
Bennett shared her personal story of being minutes away from being aborted before a stranger stepped in and saved her life. She also shared the story of a woman who lives with abortion trauma, and shared Live Action’s mission as a human rights organization and its understanding of “the importance of educating students on the beauty, dignity and value of human life.”
In July, Lila Rose spoke to the Catholic crowd of 50,000 at the National Eucharistic Congress, sharing her story of converting to Catholicism and how she hopes to inspire Christians to trust God and ask Him to use them to do His work.
Rose spoke about her experience as a teen reading about St. Joan of Arc. Inspired by the saint, Rose asked God to tell her how she could live for Him as St. Joan did. It was around this same time, said Rose, that she learned about abortion, which she called “the greatest human rights crisis of our day.”
She called on the crowd to stand up for life. “There are 50,000 people here in the stadium tonight. Imagine if each one of us asked our Lord, ‘Use me.’ If we said, ‘Do whatever you want with me Lord.’ Imagine what God can do. I believe that we can end abortion in this country, that we can build a culture of life, that we can transform the nation into one of life.”