
WATCH: Live Action satire skewers the world’s ‘simple way’ to solve problems… by killing people

Is there a simple way to solve the world’s problems like poverty, homelessness, disability, and unplanned pregnancy?

How about killing people?

That’s the setup for Live Action’s latest satire video, which features Killing Innocent People (KIP) Incorporated, a company that boasts it can eliminate society’s biggest problems by killing people.

Wearing a flashy suit and tie and a bright smile, the announcer walks his audience through KIP’s strategy.

“How do we solve depression?” he asks. “We kill depressed people. How do we solve aging? We kill old people. How do we solve unplanned pregnancies? We kill unborn people.”


While the video is, of course, meant to be tongue-in-cheek, it exposes the very real culture of death that pervades society today.

On its face, the idea of an organization with a sole mission to kill people seems ridiculous — until you realize that this is exactly the mindset espoused by abortion and assisted death advocates. Abortion is often suggested as a solution for unplanned pregnancy, poverty, and disability. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are seen as a solution for aging and disability, and even for mental illness and homelessness.

The viewer soon recognizes that the idea isn’t as dystopian as it seems, as the announcer offers some very real facts.

“In Iceland, we’ve killed nearly 100% of Down syndrome cases — by killing people,” he says.

While he notes that “of course” KIP partners with Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation, he says there are also many other organizations that “sponsor” KIP by sending their pregnant employees for abortion, including Amazon, Starbucks, Proctor & Gamble, Tesla, Disney, and others.

He then cites the “great success” in Canada, where Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) through euthanasia and assisted suicide accounts for four percent of all deaths.

“How did we get to this place?” he asks. “By operating on one simple idea — if it’s legal, it’s ethical.”

While the presentation is satire, the facts are not, and they present an uncomfortable reality. No matter what the law says, the taking of an innocent human life is never justified.

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