Good news for Planned Parenthood? They are not the only abortion providers that fail to report child rapes. Three Louisiana abortion clinics have been cited for failing to meet enhanced safety regulations targeted at abortion clinics, some clinics even failing to report possible child rape. Jill Stanek outlines the cases against each of the clinics in a recent article:
Three of Louisiana’s seven abortion clinics have been cited by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals for failure to report suspected child rape.
The LDHH complaints against Causeway Medical Clinic, Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge, and Gentilly Medical Clinic for Women (now shut down) were revealed in court documents filed June 15 by LDHH, the Louisiana Attorney General, the Louisiana Department of Justice, and Alliance Defense Fund to dismiss a 3rd* lawsuit waged by 5 Louisiana abortion mills challenging Act 490, a law passed in June 2010 to enhance abortion clinic health and safety regulations with a “zero tolerance policy” for certain infractions.
Two of those clinics were among those reprimanded by LDHH for failing to report suspected child rape to authorities, as mandated by law.
Read the full story here.