Not wanting to get left out of the abortion-palooza Democrats have planned for their national convention, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright gave the Huffington Post some brand-new gems for the “War on Women”:
I think there are some who believe they are actually protecting women, you know, and that it is better for women to be taken care of. I think women want to take care of themselves, and I think having a voice in how that is done is very important.
Wait a minute. Sec. Albright is framing the issue around who’s responsible for women’s care? Really? That’s backward even by pro-abortion standards. The War on Women narrative was launched when a Nancy Pelosi-approved liberal activist named Sandra Fluke called on the government to force educational institutions to cover birth control – the exact opposite of “women want to take care of themselves.” It is supporters of the Obama administration’s mandate who want “women to be taken care of.”
And frankly, I don’t understand — I mean, I’m obviously a card-carrying Democrat — but I can’t understand why any woman would want to vote for Mitt Romney, except maybe Mrs. Romney.
It’s not that complicated, Madam Secretary. Despite the sexist groupthink stereotypes left-wing feminists try to corral all American women into, millions of female voters aren’t obsessed with abortion and birth control. They recognize that our country faces numerous pressing issues – economics, debt, health care, education, immigration, terrorism, international affairs – that will affect them far more than the cost of birth control or how easy it is to get an abortion, and they are making up their own minds on these subjects. They understand that policies won’t necessarily benefit them just because politicians enact them in the name of womanhood. And they know that misogyny knows no partisan barriers.
Further, those who do concern themselves with reproductive issues aren’t nearly as monolithic as Albright thinks. Polls show that women are often just as pro-life as men, and sometimes even more so. It’s no mystery why, either – you don’t need a certain set of chromosomes to see in the unborn lives little boys and girls worth protecting. Nor are women incapable of recognizing how abortion can be used as a tool of misogyny and gender discrimination. Indeed, scores of women have shared their stories of how abortion left them emotionally and psychologically devastated – sometimes past the point of no return. Where are Barack Obama and company for these women? Where are they for women victimized by Planned Parenthood?
Albright next throws in the obligatory dig at Todd Akin’s “appalling and disgusting” comments about “legitimate rape” not causing pregnancy, which she uses to smear the rest of the GOP:
“But if I may say so, the things that he said in one form or another are in the Republican platform. So [while Republicans are] saying he is a nutcase and they have to move away from him, they did not move away from their platform.”
Her reference was to language in the GOP platform that outlaws abortion even in cases of rape or incest. It’s a policy that Romney’s running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), has embraced throughout his career, before distancing himself in the wake of Akin’s remarks.
Apparently “in one form or another” is the new “penumbra,” a vague qualifier that holds whatever pro-aborts want to find at any given time. The only aspect of Akin’s statement in line with Republican orthodoxy is that babies deserve to live even if their fathers are rapists. And though the Romney-Ryan ticket allows rape exceptions for abortion, I would personally relish a real national debate on the subject. I believe that the polls would move toward life if the public was more readily able to put faces to the prospect of terminating these innocent people.
Romney has always supported such exceptions. Even so, Albright argued, he had “become captive to a party that does in fact think that women should not have voices.”
So now rejecting the policy positions of pro-choicers is tantamount to denying women a voice. Because apparently women aren’t individuals with diverse opinions, experiences, and values, and giving a voice to the ones who disagree with the abortion agenda doesn’t count. Once again, truth is the first casualty in the War on Women.