Parts One, Two, and Three can be found here.
What did all my life experiences with abortions, abortion clinics, and death in general teach me?
A “clump of cells” in a womb, I learned ARE alive. For in those cells is the essence of will and life itself – the spirit of who we truly are – and each person from the very beginning has a place in this world.
From our earliest beginnings, each human being is just as worthy of love and appreciation and life as we are, standing here today. Every life is worth something to someone. For once a life has ended, that life will never be brought back again.
As Abby Johnson would say in her book, Unplanned, I share with you my journey on how I arrived on the other side of the fence. It was through my tragic experiences that I learned the value of what living is.
I learned a lot about being honest with myself and truthful in my experiences. They are real. They happened. Today, because I have learned form them, I am a stronger, wiser, and more spiritually grounded woman and human being.
I’m still standing, and I won’t stand for how Planned Parenthood treats its own humankind, as I once fell into their shadow of destruction. They must be defunded, as they do not truly serve American women, children, or families.
The story I’ve shared here is the honest, true testament of the deaths that took place in my own body and the deeply unethical experiences I encountered on more than one occasion and in different states.
Join me in my effort to open the door and shed light on the shadow that has engulfed thousands of women and precious unborn lives through misinformation, deception, and unethical protocols and procedures. Planned Parenthood chooses to commit inhumane practices upon mankind, and we allow it. Won’t you speak up, too, and tell your stories?
We are the United States of America. Our people are strong. Our voices are clear. Together we can create beauty around us. We can speak up for what is truly needed for women, children, and families. We can gather real resources and support and do so with intention, truth, and right action. It is up to each one of us. We are all called to this.
What do we want to see in this world as part of our future for all humankind? We want to see life, not death compounded upon death.
People ask me if I’m pro-choice because I chose to abort my second pregnancy, in part because of a medical reason. And although it may appear to be a choice, when we choose life and honor that gift. we can trust that the love and support will be there. Had I known how wrong the “medical reason” was, I would not have chosen abortion. I am not the only woman this happens to. I am not the only woman who felt coerced, for medical reasons, to choose death.
Had I received different information from all of my trusted sources, I may have had more grandchildren for my parents, or brothers or sisters for my daughter. It’s called the circle of life – and we as women need to honor it. The lives within us are worthy of our protection. We should not allow death – abortion – in our bodies.
I cannot change the past and the choices I made. But I can speak the truth, reveal deception, pray, and move forward in educating others. And I will.