Late-term abortionist Warren Hern
Abortionist Dr. Warren Hern’s abortion facility in Boulder, Colorado, does abortions all the way up until birth. He brazenly advertises third-trimester abortions on his website. The next time someone tells you abortions never happen in the third trimester, send him to Hern’s site.
Abortion clinic manager turned pro-lifer Abby Johnson once described a conversation she and the workers at her abortion facility had about Hern. Johnson said her boss at the time said the babies aborted by Hern are so large, “they come out crying and looking for their mama.”
I remember one day at Planned Parenthood we were standing around in the POC lab talking about how far along Warren Hern performed abortions (he performs them up until the date of birth in Colorado). I remember my boss laughing and saying, “He aborts them so far along they come out crying and looking for their mama.” Everyone in the room laughed as she made the motion of holding a baby up and spanking its bottom.
I went to a friend of mine and asked her what she thought of aborting babies so late… I had always been uncomfortable with late term abortion. She said, ‘Well, it’s better to kill them before they are put in a dumpster.’ And that was how I then began to justify late term abortion in my mind… ‘better than in a dumpster.’
Of course, there really isn’t much difference between abandoning a child in a dumpster and shooting him with a lethal dose of digoxin, which causes cardiac arrest before delivery. The baby’s fate is the same.
Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist who committed over 1,200 abortions, describes the very late-term induction abortion procedure:
Although a woman commits the horrible crime of leaving her living child in a dumpster, there may be hope of rescue, no matter how small. The babies Hern aborts don’t stand a chance.
When a reporter from Esquire visited Hern’s facility, he got a firsthand lesson on how the abortion center workers accept all women, regardless of their reasons for abortion.
Reporter John H. Richardson overheard an abortion center worker talking on the phone with a woman scheduling an abortion. The clinic worker said:
Are you on any medication? Have you had surgery in the last year? No, we don’t have any genetics counselors to interpret that for you. We don’t get a lot of protesters. It’s a liberal and tolerant community. If that changes, we will contact you. No, you’ll get up and get in your car and drive home. And Lisa, if you have a change of heart, please call us–our schedule is completely full and you’ll be taking someone else’s place.
After another silence, a soft voice gets softer: I also want you to know, we don’t care what your reasons are. We’re not going to judge you.
There is a lot to take from this quote. We know only one side of the conversation, but because the abortion center worker mentions genetic counselors, it may be that Lisa has been told there is something wrong with her baby. She may be asking if someone can look at the results of a test, or she might be confused about something another doctor said to her. Regardless, she won’t get any answers at Hern’s facility.
With decades of experience in obstetrics and gynecology, it’s hard to believe that Hern couldn’t help her if he wanted to. But, of course, his schedule is “completely full” of women lining up for abortions.
In addition, abortion facilities almost always tell patients to bring someone to drive them home. It is very unusual that a facility would let a patient get up after major surgery and drive herself home despite the lingering effects of anesthesia. It sounds like a big safety risk.
It is clear that Hern’s facility does abortions not solely because of danger to the mother’s health, or to abort disabled or terminally ill babies. The abortion worker is quick to assure the caller that any reason to kill her late-term baby is fine with Hern – just more evidence that he is committing abortions on healthy babies up until the moment of birth.
Source: John H. Richardson “The last abortion doctor” Esquire September 1, 2009