As heartbeat bills continue to gain traction across the country, the abortion industry is doing all it can to fight back — and its representatives aren’t above resorting to outright lies. The Guardian recently published an article which argued that heartbeat bills, which ban abortions of preborn children after a heartbeat can be detected, usually at approximately six weeks gestation, are too extreme, citing the claims of “doctors” and “gynecologists.” What the Guardian did not mention, however, is that their sources are abortionists, who — as usual — are making the media rounds spreading misinformation and propaganda.
Jen Gunter, an abortionist who has a history of spreading misleading information, was unsurprisingly one of the sources for the Guardian’s article. “These bills present the idea that there’s something that looks like what you or a person on the street would call a baby – a thing that’s almost ready to go for a walk,” she said. “In reality, you’re talking about something that’s millimeters in size and doesn’t look anything like that.”
The Guardian then claimed that the “pulsing” and “throbbing” in a preborn child’s heart should not be “confused” with a heartbeat, with Gunter saying it would be more accurate to call them “fetal pole cardiac activity” bills.
The idea that somehow “cardiac activity” has nothing to do with a heart, or with the beating of a heart, was already debunked by Live Action News, and — as those like Gunter are probably well aware — when people know how early the preborn child’s heartbeat begins, it impacts their beliefs about abortion.
Sara Imershein, another abortionist, chimed in to repeat the same idea, saying, “When throbbing of some tissue begins, it’s not a heart,” Imershein said. “It’s a process – the heart doesn’t just pop up one day. It’s not a little child that just appears and just grows larger.”
Gunter and Imershein try valiantly, using euphemisms to claim that preborn children do not have real heartbeats, the science says otherwise. The Endowment for Human Development (EHD) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the science of fetal development, with a vow of neutrality on controversial issues like abortion. This unbiased source explains just how fetal heartbeats work, including at an extremely young age — such as in this video of a preborn child at four weeks gestation.
In the video, you can see that the heart is not only beating, but that it is pumping (not throbbing) blood through the heart, the colors changing as the blood flows. This early, there are only two chambers of the heart, instead of the four that will soon develop, but the circulatory system has already formed, and blood is pumping throughout the baby’s body. This, the EHD says, is necessary because without blood flowing, the child cannot continue to grow and thrive. And by nine weeks of pregnancy, the heart has completely formed. While there is indeed a “process” to development, by nine weeks (still well within the first trimester), the heart is four-chambered and functioning.
READ: Poll: Facts about preborn baby’s heartbeat impact Americans’ abortion opinions
Another unbiased source is the American Pregnancy Association, which, like the EHD, says that the heart is formed by the third gestational week and is not just meaninglessly throbbing, but is pumping blood through the preborn child’s blood vessels.
Such medical misinformation is not uncommon for the abortion industry, which frequently resorts to euphemisms and misleading terms to convince women to have abortions.
Whether it’s “fetal matter,” “heart tones,” “fetal pole cardiac activity,” “blobs of tissue,” or “throbbing of some tissue,” abortionists are all too willing to obfuscate the science with meaningless phrases. And why? Because no one wants to openly admit that in a world where Americans already strongly favor heavy restrictions on abortion, that they enthusiastically stop the heartbeat of a living human being.
The pro-abortion media also bears responsibility in these situations, for repeatedly spreading unchecked pro-abortion talking points. The Guardian, for example, did not disclose that Gunter and Imershein are abortionists, nor did they fact-check anything they said. It’s interesting that both abortionists would be given free rein to say whatever they want, considering that there is a clear conflict of interest at stake here; these are not unbiased parties without a personal stake in the issue.
Should pro-life bills pass, Gunter and Imershein are looking at being forced out of business. They have a vested interest in keeping abortion legal and as widespread as possible, but does the media point that out when they allow these kinds of pro-abortion puff pieces to run? Of course not.
The simple, scientific truth of the matter is that preborn children do have heartbeats, and they are human beings with an intrinsic right to life. No amount of denials or euphemisms can change that.
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