Pro-abortion groups and individuals have come out of the woodwork in an attempt to “prove” that Jessa Duggar Seewald — former TLC reality show star and member of the Duggar family — recently had an abortion when she underwent a D&C procedure to remove the remains of a miscarried child.
Live Action founder and president Lila Rose pointed out on Twitter that Seewald herself said her child had passed away three weeks before her D&C — in what is known as a “missed miscarriage.” As Live Action News previously pointed out, a D&C procedure isn’t just used in abortion procedures; it is also used to “diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions — such as heavy bleeding — or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion,” according to Mayo Clinic.
Those who are conflating miscarriage and abortion aren’t just doing harm to Seewald… they’re doing harm to every woman who has ever lost a child to miscarriage by equating an intentional act of homicide (abortion) with an accidental death (miscarriage) in an effort to legitimize induced abortion. And one OBGYN is speaking out to note exactly that.
OBGYN Dr. Ingrid Skop, senior fellow and director of medical affairs at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, is urging Parade Magazine to apologize to Seewald and to other women who have suffered miscarriage for their decision to portray Seewald’s miscarriage treatment as if it were an induced abortion. In an emailed press release from the Lozier Institute, Skop said:
Parade’s decision places the online media outlet’s pro-abortion ideology over basic human empathy. There is nothing pro-woman about their coverage.
Over the past 30 years, I’ve walked with many patients through similar tragic circumstances. I know this pain all too well, as I, too, have miscarried a child. I understand intimately the pain of her loss and pray for her emotional healing.
Jessa’s video clearly describes a spontaneous, or natural, miscarriage. Parade equated that tragedy with an induced abortion, which is the intentional killing of an unborn child. Although the procedures for treating a miscarriage and performing an induced abortion are often the same, most Americans know that the two actions are vastly different morally, psychologically, and emotionally.
Parade owes a public apology to Jessa Duggar Seewald and all the mothers and fathers who have lost children due to the tragedy of miscarriage.
Skop also posted to her Twitter account:
That @ParadeMagazine chose to misrepresent Jessa Duggar Seewald's tragic pregnancy loss demonstrates their commitment to pro-abortion ideology over basic human sympathy. As a woman, mother, and OB/GYN, I am outraged.
— Ingrid Skop MD (@docskop) February 28, 2023
In a series of posts to follow, she said, “I’ve been an OB/GYN for 30 years and walked with too many women through similar tragic circumstances, including the soul-searching and questioning afterwards. As a mother, I’ve also miscarried a child. Parade’s coverage is hurtful to those who have walked this path.” She added, “The first paragraph equated a miscarriage and termination of an “unwanted pregnancy” – referring to both as abortion. Jessa experienced a spontaneous miscarriage, or a natural loss. Parade equated it with an induced abortion, or the intentional killing of the baby.”
She ended by saying, “The procedures for miscarriage management & induced abortion are often the same, but most Americans know that the two are vastly different morally & emotionally. Women who experience pregnancy loss should be offered sympathy, not used as pawns in a vicious political battle.”
Chuck Donovan, president of Charlotte Lozier Institute, added in the group’s press release that Parade and other mainstream media outlets exhibited “gross insensitivity” and are not actually “pro-woman” at all. He also urged support for the nation’s thousands of pregnancy resource centers.