Multiple times each month, Live Action News reports on accounts of women injured by legal abortions. But a lack of abortion-injury reporting requirements and a pro-abortion media willing to ignore injuries and deaths resulting from legal abortions have led to a misconception that legal abortion in America is safe. The abortion industry is able to continue to deceive Americans because of a complicit media which has decided that abortion-injured women and even massive scandals in the abortion industry are not newsworthy.
Massive cover-up
Skilled marketing from abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood has only further cemented the lie of “safe abortion” in the minds of the public.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, only 28 states are required by law to report abortion complications. This means Americans, including politicians and abortion industry leaders, likely have no idea how many women are injured by abortion each year in the United States. Based on this alone, no one can confidently or verifiably claim abortion is safe.
Major media outlets do not report this information, instead typically repeating pro-abortion talking points and burying any news of abortion-related injuries or maternal deaths. Thankfully, pro-life groups, including Operation Rescue, expose the horrific injuries women suffer at the hands of abortionists.
Operation Rescue reports on abortion-related injuries multiple times per month, as reported by eyewitnesses and as reported in 911 records. These reports do not include injuries occurring when pro-lifers are not present outside the abortion facilities or injuries that occur after women leave the facilities and end up in hospital emergency rooms. The injuries reported by Operation Rescue include hemorrhaging, which can be caused when the abortionist’s tools puncture a woman’s uterus — a risk in both first and second trimester abortions.
Pro-life news sites including Live Action News and the Daily Wire report on these injuries and deaths from abortion, but since major news outlets such as CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and even Fox News ignore these stories, most Americans are unaware of just how often women are physically injured by legal abortion.
Media silent when two women are “mangled” at same facility, nine days apart
Case in point, a search of major news sites by Live Action News found that none had covered the two horrific botched abortions that occurred just nine days apart from each other in June 2020, in the same Bethesda, Maryland, abortion facility run by abortionist LeRoy Carhart. Both women were rushed to the emergency room after abortions at 25 weeks.
Patient #1’s uterus had been punctured and she suffered additional internal injuries, with one medical staff member calling it “the most horrific thing I have ever seen.” She had to undergo emergency surgery due to a reported “huge” hole in her uterus and “mangled” bowels. Parts of her baby were still inside her uterus, but some of her baby’s body parts had been shoved through the hole in her uterus, including one of the baby’s legs. Her bowel was resected and she received a colostomy with an external bag. She spent nine days in the hospital.
Patient #2 suffered a perforation in her uterus about 8-9 inches wide. She arrived at the hospital in “very critical” condition with damage so extensive she had to undergo a hysterectomy. She received four units of blood “just to keep her alive.” Parts of her baby were also pushed through the hole in her uterus and into her abdominal cavity. The baby was still mostly intact except for a missing arm and portion of the spinal column.
The injuries were so horrific, the surgeon sent out an email to the involved hospital staff acknowledging the trauma that they may have experienced. Yet no major media outlets told Americans about this, leaving other women at risk of suffering similar horrible injuries at the hands of Carhart.
Maternal deaths from abortion ignored by the media
Women have also been killed by abortion, yet searches on major media sites for the names of the more recent cases returned no results. Though there is currently an investigation into the death of Keisha Atkins during an abortion at Southwestern Women’s Options abortion business in New Mexico, CNN has zero articles related to the story. The same is true regarding the death of Cree Erwin-Sheppard, who died after a first-trimester abortion at a Michigan Planned Parenthood in 2016, and for Jennifer Morbelli, who died during an abortion committed by Carhart in 2013. A partial list of women who have died from abortion is included on Operation Rescue’s website. Each of them died from legal abortion.
Not a single major media outlet covered these stories. Based on a site search, CNN has not covered any abortion-related injury stories.
Physical risks of abortion
There is discussion over whether or not women suffer emotional abortion trauma, and the abortion industry claims that women do not suffer mental health issues from abortion. But women who have undergone abortions tell a different story — stories of depression, alcohol and drug abuse, and suicidal thoughts. When it comes to physical injuries, the abortion industry is mostly silent. It only claims that keeping abortion legal means keeping it safe — playing to the sympathy of the American public. But no matter how much the media buries the truth, the reality is that legalizing abortion did not make it safe.
Surgical abortion can cause perforated uterus, infection, hemorrhaging, cervical laceration, aspiration, and death. The abortion pill — though touted as the safest form of abortion — has actually been found to be four times more dangerous than first-trimester surgical abortion. Complications include incomplete abortion, failed abortion, blood clots, hemorrhaging, infection, sepsis, and death.
Women frequently walk into abortion appointments without full knowledge of the abortionist’s history, the true risks of the procedure to their own health, or how many women have been injured by abortion. In covering for the abortion industry, major news outlets have failed women.
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