(National Review) This morning Gallup released the results of the abortion questions that were included in their annual Values and Beliefs Survey. Overall, the results contain some good news for pro-lifers. The findings indicate that 41 percent of Americans identify as “pro-life.” This is an increase of four percentage points from last year’s Gallup poll. Additionally, since last year the percentage of Americans who felt that abortion was “morally wrong” increased from 38 percent to 41 percent.
The survey contains some evidence that pro-lifers might have lost a little bit of ground on some individual policy questions.
The percentage of Americans who felt that abortion should be legal in the first three months increased by two percentage points. However, the Gallup poll adds to the body of survey data that show strong public opposition to abortion after the first trimester. The results indicate that 55 percent of Americans think abortion should be “generally illegal” in the second trimester and that 70 percent think abortion should be “generally illegal” in the third trimester.
In the year since the leak of the Dobbs decision, mainstream media coverage of sanctity-of-life issues has been exceptionally biased. There have been countless stories about public-health problems purportedly caused by pro-life laws. However, there has been very little coverage of the work done by pregnancy help centers or the policies that many states have put in place to assist pregnant women.
As pro-lifers gather in Washington, D.C., next weekend to celebrate the anniversary of the Dobbs, we should take heart. Despite a great deal of media hostility, many Americans remain receptive to protecting preborn children.
Editor’s Note: This article was published at National Review and is reprinted here with permission.