It takes years of propaganda to convince women that they need to intentionally kill their preborn children in order to be equal members of society. It takes even more lies to convince them their babies aren’t even human beings, don’t have heartbeats, and are not alive. As science advances and exposes the truth about human development, life in the womb, and what an abortion does to an innocent living human, even pro-abortion medical groups will not hesitate to deny the science.
Recently, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound met to discuss a “first-trimester US lexicon” that it claimed would be “based on scientific evidence, societal guidelines, and expert consensus.” With 80% consensus, the group changed its “preferred terms, synonyms, and terms to avoid.” Included in that change are the switches from “heartbeat” to “cardiac activity” and using the terms “live,” “living,” and “viable” to describe a living embryo.
It’s clearly heavy on the ‘societal guidelines’ and light on the ‘scientific evidence’ behind the changes.
It’s not a ‘heartbeat,’ but it’s measured in ‘beats per minute’
“Embryonic or fetal rhythmic pulsations observed in the first trimester should be reported as cardiac activity, or alternatively as cardiac motion,” wrote the organization. “Historically, the terms ‘heart motion,’ ‘heart activity,’ and ‘heartbeat’ have been used. However, the term ‘heart’ implies a fully formed organ, and cardiac development is gradual and incomplete during the [gestational ages] discussed in this document (17,38). Cardiac is a scientifically accurate adjective and is endorsed by ACOG (6).” It then added ironically, “The rate of cardiac activity…should be reported as beats per minute.”
First, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound follow the lead of the pro-abortion ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) and changes its terminology for the embryonic heartbeat from “heartbeat” to “cardiac activity” while also maintaining that the rate of that “cardiac activity” should be reported as “beats per minute.” Just to confirm — it’s apparently not a “heartbeat” per the organization but it is measured in “beats per minute.”
Second, the embryonic heart is not “fully formed” but it is fully functioning. In a video on heart development, Dr. Mobeen Syed notes that heart formation from the “third week to fifth week is really important” in human development. He explains (emphasis added):
[The] heart is the very first organ that starts developing and it is the first organ that reaches a functional state. Can you imagine that the heart reaches a functional state even before its own development completes? When the heart is in the form of a tube, even then it is pulsating and it is beating and it is pumping blood.
The reason for that is that until the second week of the development, the embryo can receive the oxygenation and nutrition through diffusion and it can rid of the waste products in the same process. However, after the second week of development, [it] is big enough that the embryo cannot now just survive using the diffusion mechanism. So it does need some sort of a vascular system and it does need some sort of circulation and so [the] heart has to be developed.
Peter J. Ward, Professor of Anatomy used Play-Doh in his video to show how the heart develops. He explains (emphasis added):
The heart, to do its job, has to be able to pump, and it starts pumping fairly early on — about day 23 of development. And it does that because a layer of myocardium [heart muscle], which I’m showing here with purple Play-doh, develops on the outside or external to the cardiac jelly. […] At this point, we’ve got a nice flow of blood already set up through the heart.
The embryonic veins, common cardinal veins, umbilical veins, vitellin veins, all bring blood to the heart […] blood goes out through the left and right aortic arches to reach the left and right dorsal aortae which then fuse into a single dorsal aorta which supplies blood throughout the embryo and then back to the placenta. If you’re human, you’ve got a placenta hanging out there.
Additional medical experts have also said the heart is beating and functional before other organs have even formed. The baby would not survive without its own heart pumping blood. What the heart looks like doesn’t matter. It’s functioning and pumping a “nice flow of blood” which is the number one sign of life in a human being.
However, the heart has formed all four chambers just 7 weeks after fertilization (9 weeks gestation), which is still within the first trimester. According to the Endowment for Human Development, during this week, “The heart has four chambers and is nearly complete,” and “The heart rate peaks at 165 to 170 beats per minute.” Seven weeks and two days after fertilization (9 weeks, two days gestation), the “arteries and veins” of the heart are complete, and during that same week, the heart establishes an EKG pattern that is “similar to an adult.”
It is clear that the attempt to claim there is no heartbeat in the first trimester is an anti-scientific claim and attempt to further a specific ideological agenda rather than a scientific one.
Don’t say an embryo is ‘alive’… because then it will be sadder if she/he dies
The Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound also noted that it would cease using the terms “live,” “living,” and “viable” to refer to any embryo with a heartbeat, saying, “We recommend against the use of all these terms in the first trimester.”
It explained that it recommends not discussing whether or not an embryo is alive because it would give credence to the pro-life cause. It was very evident that this change isn’t based in science, saying, “‘Live’ and ‘living’ are best avoided because these terms may be appropriated by people outside of the field of medicine to support political rhetoric and proscriptive legislation.”
Rather than allow preborn human beings to be respected as such, it is recommending that their lives be ignored, and that — because we wouldn’t want pro-lifers assigning any humanity to them — doctors must stop referring to them as alive. Essentialy, the idea is that if embryos are not called “living” then abortion can’t be called “killing.”
It goes on to say, “In addition, these terms may raise unrealistic expectations for patients facing potential pregnancy loss or EPs. Fetal viability has been defined as the ability of a fetus to survive in the extrauterine environment… and thus is not applicable in the first trimester… Avoiding the terms ‘nonviable’ and ‘pregnancy of uncertain viability’ is therefore recommended.”
In other words, ‘don’t say an embryo is alive (even though it is) because that might make it harder if the parents suffer a miscarriage.’
At this rate, it may not be long before no human — born or preborn, young or old — can be called “alive” because that might make it more difficult on their loved ones when they die. It’s a step to altering what it meant be living and alive.
It’s not ‘dismemberment.’ It’s the ‘traumatic separation of bones at their joint.’
ACOG has failed to instruct it’s OB/Gyn members on abortion laws, allowing women and babies to suffer and die at the hands of negligent doctors who don’t understand the laws (or who may be purposefully ignoring the laws) to promote legalized abortion. But it is taking the time to make abortion seem more palatable and less barbaric — specifically the horrific Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) abortion.
During a D&E abortion, the most commonly used second trimester abortion procedure, the abortionist uses a Sopher clamp to tear off the baby’s legs and arms, removing the baby in peieces from the womb, and then crushes her skull. It’s brutal and violent, but ACOG doesn’t want anyone to realize that — so it now advises that the term ‘dismemberment’ is too inflammatory for use.
“A recommended approach for an abortion procedure after 12-15 weeks of gestation is dilation and evacuation, in which the clinician dilates the cervix and then removes the fetus using a combination of vacuum aspiration and forceps, which can lead to disarticulation. Referring to this medical procedure as ‘dismemberment’ is intentional use of inflammatory, emotional language and centers the procedure on the fetus rather than on the pregnant person who is the clinician’s patient,” wrote ACOG.
Legitimate OBs would argue that the mother and the baby are both patients (however, these 111 Texas OB/Gyns recently appeared to ignore the baby in favor of abortion). But ACOG doesn’t want you to “center the procedure” of killing the child in the womb at all, even though what is being torn apart is by no means “the woman’s body.” It wants you to ignore that the child in the womb is also a human being who is deliberately killed; instead, ACOG wants you to see the pregnant woman as the only human involved in an abortion procedure. This is the “between a woman and her doctor” mantra taken to the extreme.
“Dismemberment” is a term that most everyone can understand; “disarticulation” is not so common. And “disarticulation” does not have the goal of producing a dead person.
To “dismember” is defined as to ‘cut off the limbs of a person or animal” and is considered “torture.”
“Disarticulation” is defined as “the separation of two bones at their joint, either traumatically by way of injury or by a surgeon during arthroplasty [joint replacement surgery] or amputation.”
Whether ‘dismembering’ or ‘disarticulating’ a child in the womb — the goal is to break the child’s body into pieces (causing death) so that child can be removed from the womb. Does it matter which phrased is used? To ACOG, yes. Because Americans would be quick to imagine and understand dismemberment compared to disarticulation.
ACOG’s goal is to remove the humanity of the preborn child and emotion of an abortion to make it more acceptable. This is, quite frankly, propaganda. And it is used for the purpose of making it more palatable to kill an entire class of human beings.
These changes are just the latest wave in the pro-abortion effort to normalize abortion and dehumanize preborn humans. ACOG has also conflated miscarriage care and other treatments during pregnancy with induced abortion. The American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs (AAPLOG) recently called ACOG’s changes in terminology “medically incoherent” and “legally false.”
Call on President Trump to pardon the FACE Act prisoners on his first day in office.