Ann Kristin Neuhaus is not a name as well-known in the fight to protect life as George Tiller’s is. But it should be. It’s because of her that Tiller was able to perform his gruesome late-term abortions. Kansas law requires that, for a late-term abortion to be performed, a doctor has to get a second opinion concluding that serious harm would be done to the pregnant woman by continuing the pregnancy. And Neuhaus was George Tiller’s second opinion.
Last week, though, the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA) stripped Neuhaus of her license to practice medicine. Neuhaus, along with other pro-abortion supporters, immediately claimed that this is about nothing more than abortion rights, making herself out to be a victim of the big pro-life bully machine. As per usual when abortionists are held accountable for their shoddy care, Neuhaus takes absolutely no responsibility for the reasons why her license is actually being revoked – and they have nothing to do with being for or against abortion.
Neuhaus has previously been in trouble with the KSBHA, both in 1999 and 2001, for medical abuses. These included an alleged forced abortion, performed after the woman had withdrawn consent; poor record-keeping; and improper patient care.
The issue that caused her license to be revoked, though, was over the records of 11 girls, aged 10 to 18, who were taken to George Tiller for late-term abortions. Neuhaus used shoddy mental health reporting to make sure the girls could get late-term abortions, such as saying the girls were suicidal because of the pregnancy. She never recommended follow-up treatment for the supposedly suicidal girls, though. She also failed to conduct proper mental health evaluations and merely checked “yes/no” on a computer program, assigning whatever diagnosis the computer gave her. The records for five of the patients were also dated and time-stamped after the abortions had already begun. All of the evidence has come to show that Neuhaus merely rubber-stamped the forms to allow herself and Tiller to collect the massive sums of money that late-term abortions rake in.
The evidence in Neuhaus’ trial shows that George Tiller was indeed performing illegal late-term abortions, and Neuhaus was complicit in the criminal act.
The criminal acts that Tiller and Neuhaus were so comfortable performing show, yet again, that people in the abortion industry feel that they are above the law. State medical laws and regulations are put in place to protect women; meanwhile, abortionists regularly flout those laws while calling themselves pro-woman. No other medical specialty would be able to get away with the flagrant law-breaking that routinely goes on in abortion clinics, but most of the time, abortionists get a free pass. And this means that abortion clinics can be a very dangerous place for a woman to go.
Neuhaus had petitioned to change her license from “exempt” to “active,” indicating that she planned to begin performing abortions again. She had also stated that she would be willing to perform abortions throughout the country once the disciplinary hearing was resolved. Thankfully, though, with her license being revoked, neither scenario will happen. The truly scary part of this case is that this is over only 11 records. How many other women did Neuhaus invent mental health problems for in order rubber-stamp a form to allow them to get a late-term abortion? How many women were given improper medical care because their doctor didn’t examine them as required? It’s a sobering thought. Thanks to the KSBHA though, women will now be protected from the shoddy and dangerous medical “care” provided by Dr. Neuhaus.