
Michigan ballot drive to protect abortion is being driven by the abortion industry


A ballot drive has been launched in the state of Michigan to enshrine the so-called right to abortion in the state constitution. But it isn’t Michigan voters behind this ballot drive — it’s an abortion industry coalition, including Planned Parenthood.

A 1931 Michigan law makes it a crime to administer medicine or use an instrument to “procure a miscarriage,” and the ballot drive seeks to have that law overturned. If it isn’t, should Roe v. Wade be overturned by the Supreme Court, abortion would be illegal in Michigan.

Loren Khogali, the executive director of the ACLU of Michigan, told the Associated Press that abortion is “deeply personal” and needs to be protected. “Now is the moment for us to come together to protect this fundamental right for Michigan as we hold our collective breath for the Supreme Court’s ruling,” she said.

Nicole Wells Stallworth, the executive director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, added that this is a “critical moment in history for abortion access,” and claimed that most Michigan residents want abortion to be “safe, legal, and accessible.”

READ: Michigan lawmakers look to unravel protections for preborn children if Roe is overturned

This frequent claim from the abortion industry, that people overwhelmingly support abortion available at any time and for any reason, is based on a half-truth. It is true that most Americans want abortion to remain legal, but polling has frequently found that they also want it limited to the first trimester, and with heavy restrictions. The abortion bonanza that Planned Parenthood dreams of is only supported by a tiny fraction of Americans.

In another statement to The Detroit News, Stallworth continued to claim the law needs to be overturned — even though Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has said she wouldn’t enforce the law. “We are exploring a ballot measure that would preserve every individual’s constitutional right to make the very personal decision about reproductive health care, including abortion and keep those decisions between the individual and their medical professional,” Stallworth said. “We all have the right to determine our own futures.”

Notably, however, the ballot drive is not a grassroots effort from Michiganders who simply are passionate about abortion. It’s an effort being driven by the abortion industry itself, looking to protect its own business interests at the expense of women and their children.

The abortion coalition would need 400,000 signatures verified by the state before July 11 for the measure to be included in the November election.

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