In January, pro-aborts were outraged over the closure of a Michigan abortion clinic. The clinic, which was run by Dr. Robert Alexander, was inspected by the Muskegon Fire Prevention Bureau, and found to have multiple violations. In addition to unsterilized medical equipment, improper disposal of needles, and a leaky roof, the clinic was found to be operating under unsanitary conditions.
The photos show unsanitary conditions, including stained medical equipment near an examination chair, trash near lab equipment and discarded in a storage room, and water stains and holes in a leaky ceiling that is falling apart.
The investigator also reported ‘blood dripping from a sink p-trap in a room used by patients.’ …
The photos document a long list of violations that pose a danger to ‘human life and public welfare,’ according to city documents.
The clinic was shut down in December, but Alexander still has a license to practice medicine, and could begin practicing again if he chose to. Now, Michigan state Senator Tonya Schuitmaker is calling for an investigation into the Board of Medicine’s protocol for investigation allegations. The reason? In addition to running a filthy, disgusting abortion clinic, Alexander allegedly was responsible for botched abortions, including one where he left the baby’s head inside the mother and caused life-threatening injuries.
The physician observed that he has treated several of Alexander’s patients in the emergency room, including one woman in her second trimester whose uterus Alexander allegedly perforated during an abortion.
“Dr. Alexander perforated the woman’s uterus so badly that it was hanging on by two blood vessels,” the physician wrote. “The decapitated head of a fetus was in the woman’s abdomen and the large intestine had been grasped and pulled away from its blood supply and into the vagina. The woman required a hysterectomy, colonoscopy, and several units of blood to save her life.”
The physician added, “I, for one, was very happy to hear he is no longer practicing in Muskegon, but I fear for women anywhere this man would go.”
Before his clinic was shut down, there had been multiple complaints filed against Alexander. Why wasn’t his clinic shut down? Because of an alleged conflict of interest on the medical board:
Target 8 in February exposed how an apparent conflict of interest allowed Muskegon abortion clinic Dr. Robert Alexander to continue to practice after complaints against him were not investigated.
Those complaints — about alleged botched abortions — were closed out by the then state Board of Medicine Chairman Dr. George Shade. It was the same Dr. Shade who, several years earlier, helped Alexander get his medical license back after Alexander had served time in prison for selling illegal prescriptions.
Botched abortions, a filthy abortion clinic, and a history of illegally selling prescription medications? This is a man who under no circumstances should be practicing medicine, despite the weeping from pro-aborts about his clinic closing.
Time and time again, it has been proven that Kermit Gosnell is not an anomaly in the abortion industry. Late-term abortionists are found to practice infanticide. Disgusting abortion clinics flourish because pro-aborts fight against legislation to prevent them. And abortionists are able to butcher women with no consequences. Is it any wonder that Gosnell could practice for almost two decades without being stopped?
Note: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Senator Schuitmaker was an OB/GYN.