
Michigan medical board suspends license of abortionist caught with baby remains in car trunk

Abortionist Michael Roth Mug Shot provided by the Michigan Attorney General’s Office

In June 2016, Live Action News reported that circuit-riding Michigan abortionist Michael Arthur Roth had been arrested on multiple charges after police reportedly found “multiple containers of aborted children and controlled substances” in Roth’s car following a September 2015 traffic accident, after which which his car was impounded.

Pro-life group Operation Rescue notes Roth said the containers of aborted babies were being taken to a different abortionist’s facility for disposal, “as if that somehow excused the illegal transport of human remains or the criminal abortions that produced them.” Despite this reasoning, police proceeded to raid Roth’s home in October 2015 and found evidence of criminal activity. According to OR, Roth was charged with “6 counts of identity theft, 3 counts larceny, [and] 1 count illegal possession of drugs.”

At the time of Roth’s arrest, Live Action News’ Carole Novielli stated that Roth “ha[d] been arraigned in two counties” and was “assigned a $10,000 personal recognizance bond for each county.” Novielli also noted that Roth was “formally… charged with violating the Michigan public health code, and faces potential suspension of his medical license if convicted of the criminal charges.”

This week, Operation Rescue provided an update on Roth’s status as a practicing abortionist, writing, “… [T]he Michigan Board of Medicine suspended the license of ‘Trunk Abortionist’ Michael Arthur Roth for one year and fined him $25,000 for the ‘unlawful possession of a controlled substance.'”

OR notes that Roth has a sordid history as an abortionist. Roth believed in abortion on demand, for any reason, including sex-selective abortion, and was even committing abortions on women at their homes. In 2012, Roth received a paltry $2,000 fine for perforating a woman’s uterus during an abortion, and for “violating public health code in two abortion procedures.”

In November 2017, Roth is set to face trial for the criminal charges related to the September 2015 traffic accident.

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