Human Interest

Michigan mom graduates college wearing 10-day-old baby under gown

A woman in Traverse City, Michigan, donned more than just her graduation gown to receive her bachelor’s degree on December 15. Tucked close against her under her gown was also her 10-day-old newborn.

Grace Szymchack, 24, had a C-section scheduled for December 18, three days after she graduated from Ferris State University — but her daughter, Annabelle, had other plans.

“Annabelle decided to come early on Dec. 6,” Szymchack said. “But I’d worked hard for this degree, and I was determined to walk with the rest of my class … so I just brought her to graduation with me.”

Szymchack is already mom to 18-month-old Isabelle. In an announcement released by Ferris State, she explained how she has spent the last few years juggling work, marriage, and motherhood in addition to school. She found it easier by attending one of the college’s satellite campuses called Student Success Hubs, which are designed for more non-traditional students.

“I had quite a few classes there when I started, but then COVID hit and all of a sudden they were all completely online,” Szymchack explained. “I definitely found that more manageable because then I could take classes at home and also take care of my daughter.”

After Anabelle’s birth, Szymchack said she was still determined to walk with her graduating class, but she was worried about leaving her infant.

“My mom, the day before, said, ‘Just wear her on you, underneath your gown. No one will notice. It’ll be OK,’” Szymchack said. “So I just kept her with me.”

She hopes her story — pursuing higher education while both pregnant and parenting — inspires other women to do the same.

“I kind of hope it inspires another mom to go back to school and show that she can do it too,” she said.

Up next, she plans to use her Early Education degree to teach preschoolers, saying, “I love working with the littles the best … I feel like I can really make an impact there.”

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail this Christmas for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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