Hospital staff and a prenatal specialist didn’t think Kaitlynn and Bailey Miesner’s micro-preemie baby girl would survive when she was born in March, but little baby Harlow continues to improve. She recently dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast — wearing clothes made for Build-A-Bear toys.
Harlow’s parents have an active following on TikTok, where they have thanked God for saving their daughter’s life, and continue to share moments from their difficult but joy-filled days with their preemie.
“I wanted to put something out because it was hard for me, hearing everyone say she wasn’t going to make it. We wanted to show people that like just because science says babies aren’t viable doesn’t mean that they aren’t and we got to witness that firsthand,” Kaitlynn told PEOPLE Magazine.
As reported by PEOPLE, the Miesners were excitedly anticipating their daughter’s arrival as first time parents when doctors noticed that Harlow had stopped growing normally at 19-weeks gestation. At that time, she was the size of a 17-week preborn baby.
Kaitlynn told PEOPLE that when Harlow was measuring only 20-weeks gestation size at the 24-week mark, medical staff airlifted Kaitlynn to another hospital for early delivery.
After two days in the hospital, the parents received sobering news — Harlow had umbilical cord “absent flow,” and wasn’t receiving all the nutrients she needed.
“They told us then that she was only about 330 grams [and] that the baby wasn’t viable at that size,” Kaitlynn said. A specialist who performed an amniocentesis on Kaitlynn also told the couple the baby was not likely to survive. But the parents kept hoping and believing in their daughter’s ability to live.
“You don’t want to not give her a chance,” Bailey said.
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Baby Harlow was born at 26 weeks gestation, measuring the size of a baby at 22 weeks gestation — which is just over the threshold of viability. Harlow was born weighing just 14.5 oz and was delivered via emergency C-section due to her dropping heart rate. According to Kaitlynn and PEOPLE, Harlow’s lungs were “the size of almonds” when she was born, and she is still battling chronic lung disease.
Kaitlynn and Bailey told PEOPLE that it can be difficult to be separated from their preemie daughter, who is still at the hospital, and to endure the hardship of their baby’s recovery journey, especially when friends and family are having different pregnancy and birth experiences. But Kaitlynn and Bailey are able to support each other and share activities with their daughter — including dressing her up for Halloween in the NICU. The parents documented their trip to Build-A-Bear, where they found the only clothes that would fit Harlow at seven months of age.
Bailey praised his wife’s idea of dressing up Harlow, her positive attitude, and the hospital staff who help the parents make memories with their tiny daughter.
“It was Kaitlynn’s idea. She always has great ideas like that, being positive. We always do fun things with [Harlow] and the staff there makes it easy for us,” Bailey told PEOPLE.
The couple said that they feel “lucky” that their preemie daughter is thriving against all odds, and that it is “amazing” for them to watch their little one grow. Kaitlynn and Bailey anticipate taking Harlow home for Christmas, or even Thanksgiving, but in the meantime they continue to share their story on social media to encourage other parents in similar situations.
“We share as much as we can to share her story for people who are going through something similar. And also for Harlow. She’s fought hard and I think it’s right to share that, for all the other babies fighting. We know we’re a rare case, but it happens,” Bailey said.
Call on President Trump to pardon the FACE Act prisoners on his first day in office.