
Minnesota moves to ban dismemberment abortions

late-term abortion, D&E abortion, Go to for facts on abortion, dismemberment abortion

On Thursday, Minnesota pro-lifers introduced legislation in both chambers of the state legislature to ban the dismemberment abortion procedure (D&E) in the state.

Assuming Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signs his state’s recently-passed bill, passing HF 3849/SF 3487 would make Minnesota the fifth state to ban the dilation and evacuation abortion procedure, which Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life describes as using “forceps with sharp metal jaws” to “twis[t] and [tear] away” the developing child’s limbs, and sometimes involves crushing the skull.

Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino describes dismemberment abortions in greater detail as part of Live Action News’s Abortion Procedures project in the following video:


“All abortions destroy the life of a developing human being, but dismemberment is outrageously cruel and needs to be stopped,” MCCL Legislative Director Andrea Rau said. “Halting this inhumane practice is something that most Minnesotans can agree on.”

As Live Action News covered earlier this week, 39% of Minnesota’s abortions were funded by tax dollars in 2014. A total of 704 dismemberment (D&E) abortions happened in the state that year.

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