
Minnesota report shows alarming number of repeat abortions


Minnesota released its statistics on abortion for 2021. They show a very small decrease in the number of abortions since 2020. There were 10,136 abortions in 2021 and 10,339 in 2020. Planned Parenthood committed roughly 70% of
abortions in the state in both years.

But one of the most striking things in the report is the number of repeat abortions taking place in the state. The numbers indicate that some women may be using abortion as birth control.

In 2021:

  • 422 women were having their fourth abortion
  • 166 women were having their fifth abortion
  • 88 women were having their sixth abortion
  • 35 women were having their seventh abortion
  • 24 women were having their eighth abortion
  • 11 women were having their ninth abortion
  • 21 women were having their 10th or more abortion

In 2020:

  • 421 people were having their fourth abortion
  • 207 women were having their fifth abortion
  • 95 women were having their sixth abortion
  • 31 women were having their seventh abortion
  • 15 women were having their eighth abortion
  • 13 women were having their ninth abortion
  • 19 women were having their 10th or more abortion

We don’t know anything about these women or why they’re having so many abortions in Minnesota.

Repeat abortions are not a new phenomenon. In a book collecting the stories of post-abortive women, one woman recalled that in her pre-abortion “counseling” session, which consisted of an abortion worker giving a talk to a group of women,
the worker told the group she’d had eight abortions. The worker seemed to be trying to convince the women that abortion was easy and simple. By claiming she had eight abortions and had no regrets, she minimized the abortion procedure and everything these women would have to endure.

READ: Minnesota judge blocks protections for preborn in devastating ruling

It is, of course, possible the abortion worker was lying; abortion facility workers have been known to lie to women about fetal development and abortion’s risks in order to convince them to abort.

But as the statistics above show, she may have been telling the truth. The post-abortive woman telling the story said that the abortion worker’s admission made her feel “really kind of dirty and sick because I didn’t want to ever say that.” But the “counseling” was successful – the pregnant woman went through with her abortion.

During research for her pro-life book, author Mary Kenny says she “met a woman who has had eight abortions whose emotional impact rippled over her like water off a duck’s back.”

And Live Action News has previously covered the story of Angie, a woman who had nine abortions, and laughed and joked with abortion workers through each one – until she asked to see her aborted baby and the abortion worker showed it to her. Angie had an emotional breakdown after seeing the truth.

Abortion workers sometimes struggle to manage their emotions when women come in for multiple abortions. For example, one former abortion worker said:

One woman was there for her eleventh abortion. Eleventh! That disgusted me. One thirty-seven-year-old patient was having her seventh abortion on the same day that her daughter was having her first grandbaby. Her festive mood and celebratory attitude concerning her granddaughter’s birth seemed morbid and out of place in an abortion clinic.

Other abortionists and abortion workers have expressed similar feelings.

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