Did you see Christina Aguilera mess up the National Anthem at the Super Bowl? I didn’t.
I didn’t see the failed National Anthem, but I certainly read about it. Minutes after Christina’s big flub YouTube videos surfaced of her “ramparts” deletion and countless Facebook status updates transitioned from “Go Packers!” to “Christina Aguilera Sucks!” and “Who Forgets The National Anthem?” Within moments of the slip-up social networking forums, blogs, and new sites unanimously proclaimed their disapproval of everything from Christina’s choice of wardrobe to her awful pitch and obvious lack of patriotism.
One small mistake brought a hail storm of criticism upon the pop-star. The minor error that harmed no one and broke no laws was enough to provoke immediate opinion from much of the country. The next morning, even more buzz circulated about Christina and her horrifying pre-game solo on early newscasts and television shows. Journalists gave their “two-cents” about why and how the seasoned singer botched her performance. Some reporters cracked jokes, others expressed sympathy. The general public gave no mercy for her blunder. Instead, she became a laughingstock. Her actions, of no actual consequence to the American people, provoked a national response of “comical” condemnation.
Maybe there just wasn’t enough to go around.
In the days before Super Bowl XLV, Live Action released video footage of Planned Parenthood employees engaging in the unlawful behavior of endangering children through aiding and abetting sex traffickers. These videos were similar to those released in previous years, revealing other disgraceful and illegal practices by Planned Parenthood. However, unlike the “Christina incident,” much of the nation kept silent about the Planned Parenthood scandal. Very few members of social networking sites dared to opine on something so controversial as abortion and Planned Parenthood. A disproportionately low number of newscasts and media outlets reported on the tragedy and of those journalists who dared to cover the story even fewer offered their personal insights or convictions regarding the outrageous practices of sex-slavery and child abuse. According to Brooke Baldwin from the CNN Newsroom, she cannot answer the question of whether or not she approves of the abuse of young girls and the assisting of child sex trafficking. She is, after all, “journalistically not on either side of the issue.” Apparently, reporters can “journalistically” offer their opinions about Super Bowl performances but must remain mum on matters of child exploitation.
Why is the public so gracious with Planned Parenthood? Why is it that our country is more apt to criticize and humiliate a celebrity who sang the wrong lyrics than to chastise a government-funded organization that not only contributes to crimes that victimize children but is also responsible for the murder of over 300,000 precious children every year? Why does Planned Parenthood deserve mercy for acts that clearly evidence their murderous, money-making agenda? Why is it allowable for a “public health” facility to break numerous laws that protect minors from danger? Why is it forgivable? Why is it forgettable? Why should such atrocious, pervasive acts go unpunished and unspoken?
MISPLACED GRACE. A harmless error receives mass response while obvious illegal acts are ignored, even defended.
MISPLACED GRACE. Cut Christina some slack. Penalize Planned Parenthood.