The country watched — some in admiration, many more in shock — as Miss New York, Kira Kazantsev, was crowned Miss America after singing Pharell Williams’ Happy with a red cup, an admitted rip-off of Anna Kendricks’ performance in the film Pitch Perfect. That alone was enough to make many Americans react with indignation and outrage, but when they find out at the new Miss America is an abortion supporter who worked for Planned Parenthood, there is likely to be an even bigger outcry.
Kira Kazantsev, who represented New York state as Miss New York, worked at the Planned Parenthood abortion business — the nation’s biggest abortion company.
According to her Linked-In profile, Kazantsev interned at Planned Parenthood in Hempstead, New York. Her job duties at the company that snuffs out of the lives of young baby girls? “Assisted delivery of programs in local public schools, teaching children about mutual respect & self-esteem” and “Conducted research on Planned Parenthood Education.”
Her work experience also includes time working as an intern for Kirsten Gillibrand, a pro-abortion New York senator.
Planned Parenthood bills itself as a “health care provider”, but they are a a dangerous and evil organization. Their abuses are seemingly neverending, as Live Action has found through our multiple investigations. They have been known to cover up rape of children in exchange for the money they receive for performing abortions.
Abuse, corruption, and law-breaking is endemic to Planned Parenthood. They have been caught sanctioning race- and sex-based abortion, as well as giving incorrect and manipulative medical counseling to young girls. They have been found to be complicit in child sex trafficking, telling the pimps that they can arrange discounts for him and that they will look the other way for girls as young as 13. They lie about the services they provide, and have been caught stealing millions from Medicaid.
And this is the organization that the new Miss America, Kira Kazantsev, is apparently proud to be associated with. She campaigned for the crown on a platform of fighting domestic violence, but apparently covering up the sexual abuse and sex trafficking of children is A-OK, as long as abortion is involved. 1 in 4 women seeking abortions are also victims of domestic violence, and are at higher risk for domestic violence in the future, but this also seemingly does not bother Kazantsev.
If Kazantsev truly wants to advocate for women and Americans, she should use her platform to speak out against abortion and the violence that it visits upon women and unborn children. Not doing so shows that all of her talk about ending violence and sexual abuse is just that — talk.
UPDATE: Kira Kazantsev’s LinkedIn profile appears to now be offline.