A pro-life mom recently shared an ultrasound image of one of her babies with Live Action News on Facebook. In the image, her baby’s hand can clearly be seen waving as he shows off just how human he is.
Amy Jedrysek shared the image because she feels that it’s an important one for people to see. Whether abortion supporters are arguing that a preborn child is just “tissue” or that a preborn child is “not yet a person,” this simple image of an innocent human being shows otherwise.
“This is an ultrasound picture of my son when I was six months pregnant with him,” writes Jedrysek. “This is my favorite one out of all of my children in fact because its as tho he’s saying ‘Hi mom’!”

Image via Facebook.
At the time of this ultrasound, Jedrysek was about 20 weeks pregnant with her son. At 20 weeks gestation, abortion is still completely legal for any reason in the United States. It is also about the time in pregnancy when moms can begin to feel their baby move. Even a simple parenting website will tell you that babies at this age will suck their thumbs, stretch, yawn, and kick.
“Six months,” writes Jedrysek. “Let that sink in for a min. The reason I’m sharing this is that this picture shows my son’s humanity without any question. Look at how clearly u can see his little hand and all 5 fingers. At six months pregnant, many women very sadly have abortions. And they are, for the most part, told that their “fetus” isn’t really a person or is a clump of growing cells or any other term that is used to make a doctor and a woman feel less guilty for what they are doing.”
The most common abortion procedure at 20 weeks gestation is a Dilation and Evacuation (D&E). As described in this video by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, during a D&E, a dose of Digoxin is given to the preborn child in order to stop his heart. That baby stays inside the mother, dead, for 2 to 3 days while her cervix is dilated. Labor is induced and the mother gives birth to a dead baby. Babies have often been known to survive the Digoxin and be born alive only to be left for dead on a table in the clinic.
“Look at this picture of my son’s little hand,” says Jedrysek. “He is a human being now that he is a 7month old chubby faced baby, and he was a human being, waving to his mom, in this picture while he was safe in my body. Please find another way. Abortion kills the most innocent of human beings.”