A 37-year-old Italian mother is suing a hospital for failing to abort her child, who was subsequently born healthy. The incident occurred in 2013, but the suit is current and reportedly likely to continue into 2018.
In April 2013, the unnamed mother opted for a chemical abortion at San Paolo Hospital in Milan, reportedly due to fear that the father would not help support the child, as well as because the mother has Crohn’s Disease. A month later, she found out that the chemical abortion had failed, and the preborn baby was still alive. She was told that a surgical abortion was the only option, as far as abortion, but turned it down and gave birth to a healthy baby in December.
Now she is suing San Paolo Hospital for €211,000, plus additional monthly support payments. The woman’s lawyers claim her condition has worsened since giving birth, and that she is now 50 percent disabled.
“Of course, she loves her child and is happy in that sense,” said Valentina Valente, a member of the mother’s legal team, “but it’s tough; this is a woman who already had health problems and financial problems, and for a child you have to make a lot of sacrifices, even if you make them out of love.”
This is not the first case of a parent suing abortion staff for failing to kill a child. Similar suits have been filed internationally as well as in the United States, either against abortionists (for failing to kill) or against doctors for failing to provide information that would have prompted parents to have their child aborted.
Cases like this send a very clear message to the surviving child: “You shouldn’t be here.” Or in other words, “if the abortionist had done his job right, you would be dead (but P.S.: I love you).”
Not every child is wanted by his or her biological parents, but every child is valuable as a unique human being. Claiming that failure to end a human life is “medical malpractice,” as the woman’s lawyers have claimed, is a sad reflection on the state of health care, parenthood, and ethics in the modern world.