Human Rights

Mother of underage rape victim gives testimony for law protecting minors

In a May first article, Live Action’s Lauren Enriquez told the story of a 12-year-old incest victim who was scheduled for an abortion by Planned Parenthood. Enriquez describes how the victim’s abuser, her older brother, took her to Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test. According to the incest victim:

I heard a lot about “being responsible” and “taking control of my body…” My older brother maintained a strong silence throughout the entire time — no one asked him a single question.

The Planned Parenthood clinic even encouraged the young girl to go to the abortion appointment with her brother, the abuser, and suggested she didn’t have to tell her parents.

Sadly, stories of minor victims of rape and incest being brought to abortion clinics by their abusers are all too common.  It happened to Joyce Farley’s daughter. Joyce Farley testified in front of a House Judiciary Committee in favor of The Child Custody Protection Act,  which  would have made it illegal for anyone other than a parent or legal guardian to take a minor across state lines for an abortion in order to evade a state’s parental consent laws.

The Statement of Joyce Farley of Pennsylvania, Hearing on the Child Custody Protection Act before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, House Judiciary Committee, May 21, 1998 is as follows:

I’m here today to tell you why I support the Child Custody Protection Act. My daughter was a victim of several horrible crimes between the ages of 12 and 13. My child was provided alcohol, raped, and then taken out of state by a stranger to have an abortion. This stranger turned out to be the mother of the adult male who provided the alcohol and then raped my 12-year-old daughter while she was unconscious. The rapist’s mother arranged and paid for an abortion to be performed on my child. This woman lied and falsified records at the abortion clinic to make sure this abortion would be completed without my knowledge. The abortion had been arranged to destroy evidence – evidence that my 12-year-old daughter had been raped…

Following the abortion, the mother of the rapist dropped off my physically and emotionally battered child in another town 30 miles away from our home. The plan was to keep the rape and abortion a secret. If I’d not contacted the state police… when I found my child missing, she might not be alive today. Severe pain and bleeding revealed complications from an incomplete abortion. This required further medical care and a second abortion to be performed…

The bill you are considering today may help prevent this from happening to my neighbor’s child, my future grandchildren, or any child in the United States. It has been 3 years since these crimes were committed, but my daughter still suffers physically and emotionally…

Despite this moving testimony, pro-choice senators managed to kill the bill.  The act was not passed. Pro-life politicians introduced the bill again in 2002, 2005, and 2006. It was defeated every time and has never been made into law.

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