Deborah Caradamone refuses to be silent about her daughter’s untimely death. Marla Cardomne died at 18-years old from a botched legal abortion at a Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Hospital. The horrific images of her daughter’s body have stayed in Deborah’s mind every day since she passed. Deborah knows Marla died an unnecessary death at the hands of the abortion industry. As a grieving mother should, Deborah wants justice for her daughter. Deborah courageously reached out to Mark Crutcher, President of “Life Dynamics” to help her share the graphic autopsy images of her daughter’s death. Deborah wants the world to know what happens behind the closed doors of abortion clinics and hospitals throughout our nation.
Life Dynamics, along with Operation Rescue and Priests for Life have released photos of Marla along with brochures sharing her story. Information on Marla’s life will be posted on the soon to be up website Mark Crutcher believes Deborah’s decision to reveal her daughter’s autopsy photo is like Mamie Till’s choice to show the world her murdered son. Mamie Till was the mother of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old African-American boy that was murdered in the south for allegedly flirting with a white woman. The all-white male jury acquitted the men who were on trial for Emmett’s murder. Mamie Till chose a public funeral and left the casket open to show Emmett’s disfigured body. The picture was a shocking look into the effects of racism in the South. It stirred thousands to action, compelling them to take a stand for civil rights.
Marla’s mother is showing the world that abortion hurts women and destroys lives. These are Deborah’s words, taken from a Life Dynamics handout.
“Since her death, I have discovered that what happened to her is not nearly as rare as we have all been led to believe. I can also tell you that the pro-choice movement cares nothing about these women. Everyone they kill or maim is written off as just another martyr in their war to protect the abortion clinics. Believe me, when it comes to pushing their political and financial agendas, these people will do anything to keep the information you see here hidden from the public. Today, Marla’s father and I have joined with Life Dynamics to make sure that this cover-up ends. If other young women see this brochure, maybe they will make a different choice and not end up like this.”
Life Dynamic recorded a video interview with Deborah Cardonome:
Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics explains the upcoming Safe and Legal website.
Mark Crutcher told LifeNews, “The pro-life movement has never had images to illustrate the unimaginable brutality and ugliness of women being killed in America’s “Safe and Legal” abortion clinics. But those days are over. We are going to show America what it looks like when women climb onto a table in one of these places and end up on an autopsy table a few hours later.”
Crutcher continues:
“These images are a powerful new weapon unlike anything the pro-life movement has ever had before. Because of Deborah’s courage, we finally have the ability to expose one of the pro-choice lobby’s dirtiest little secrets. And that is exactly what Life Dynamics is committed to doing. Starting today, we are sending a clear and unmistakable message to Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry that they will no longer be allowed to kill the Marla Cardamones of this world and then just walk away from them like they never existed.”
Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life made these statements in reference to the Safe and Legal project, “I am grateful to Marla’s mom, Deborah, and her husband for their full support of this project and their permission to use these photos.” “As they know, this project isn’t just about Marla; it’s about the countless women Marla represents, who are killed by abortion without the world ever knowing.”
Pro-life organization Life Dynamics has a virtual “wall” listing the names of 347 women who have died from botched abortions.
“We ask everyone to get involved and to spread the truth about Marla and others killed and wounded by abortion,” said Father Pavone. “As Deborah Cardamone has said often, we have to speak, because if we are silent, we are part of the problem.”