On Dec. 7th, 2014, Danica Peters and her husband learned they were expecting their first child. The couple was surprised and elated. Prior to Peters’ pregnancy, her husband underwent three surgeries and six weeks of radiation treatments for a brain tumor, and she was not sure they would be able to have a baby. The news of a child on the way, however, was a complete surprise.
However, the joy of the pregnancy was quickly overshadowed with concern when the couple went in for a 20-week ultrasound. Peters was told that she had already begun labor, and her cervix had already dilated. Sadly, there was nothing doctors could do to stop her baby, Harlee, from being born.
READ: Mother shares photos of baby miscarried at 14 weeks: ‘He is very obviously human’
On Saturday, March 28th, Peters delivered Harlee, who lived for two hours and 20 minutes outside of the womb before he passed away. Peters describes seeing his perfectly formed face and body, and she treasures the moments her family had with him:
He was so perfect in every way! Looked just like his daddy! Every part of him perfectly developed. He lived for two hours and 20 minutes before he passed. He may not have had a long life on this earth, but every second of it, he was surrounded by so much love!
At 20 weeks, preborn children in the womb are fully developed and can feel pain. At this stage, babies are active in the womb, and they can stretch, kick, and suck their thumbs. However, the most prevalent abortion procedure used at this stage is the dilation and evacuation procedure, during which the abortionist dismembers a preborn child limb from torso. Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino describes the D&E abortion procedure below:
Peters is sharing these images to commemorate her son’s life, and to give a face to the preborn children who are being legally killed by abortion. Peters, who is now pregnant with her second child, hopes these images of Harlee will change minds about abortion.
I think that how beautifully designed they are even at 20 weeks along proves that they are humans! That they are not just a clump of cells, they are perfectly formed! Every baby deserves that chance! I am now currently expecting a little girl our rainbow baby at 22 weeks along.