Pamela Cook wows the X-Factor Australia audience with her soulful rendition of Kelly Clark’s hit “Because of You” but what wows me is her pro-life testimony at the beginning:
For those of you who might not be able to view the video, she explains that last year she was diagnosed with breast cancer while being 16-weeks pregnant. Pamela says: “The doctors encouraged me to terminate the pregnancy but that wasn’t an option for me and they said it would be much easier to treat (the breast cancer) but my partner and I had lost the baby the year before and that just made it not even on the table.”
It’s a testament to her courage that she underwent life-saving chemotherapy and had to endure having her baby delivered nine weeks earlier. She asks, “what’s worse than not having a mum?” (if she hadn’t beaten the cancer). The little boy is growing up completely healthy!
On YouTube, her video is liked 1,268 times (at this writing) and only 34 dislikes — that’s incredibly positive. The Aussies clearly love her singing and love her pro-life story as well!