(I Am Untold) Sixteen and pregnant. Two words that, put together, will shake anyone’s world. Such was the case for Veronica. With every voice you trust telling you that your only option is an abortion, where do find the strength to make a different choice?
When you are young you think that you’re invincible – that nothing can possibly shake you to your core. Yet, at 16 years old, there I sat – looking at two pink lines telling me that I was pregnant. In an instant, my life began to shatter. I was just a child myself, how was I going to raise one? I was completely terrified. I walked out of that bathroom and showed my boyfriend what was suddenly our reality, and we both sat speechless for what seemed like a lifetime.
How was this happening?
There was no way we could tell our parents, but I knew that I needed to see a doctor to officially confirm what the home test had told us. Unfortunately at the time, the only resource we knew of to get checked out without parental consent was a well-known national organization in town, so we made an appointment a week later. We skipped school to walk to the clinic; both of us shaking in fear the entire way. We sat in the waiting room and when they called me back, they told my boyfriend he was not welcome to join me. I sat alone, waiting for my results.
Every bone in my body was sure the home test was wrong. But when the results came in, I was faced with the hard truth. I was really pregnant.
They talked about my options and told me I was far too young to take care of a child. They told me they see this all the time, and it was something that could easily be taken care of. They told me I had a bright future ahead of me and that my situation would change dramatically if I chose to continue my pregnancy. I left that clinic broken, feeling like I had no option but to not have this baby.
When my boyfriend and I finally found the courage to tell our parents, we were yet again told that this would ruin our lives. We were told that our only option was to have an abortion, and that our parents would make an appointment for us to end the life of our child. We were young and naive, so we agreed to have an abortion-not knowing we even had a choice.
Those next few days were awful. My parents would not look at me or speak to me. My boyfriend and I spoke deeply about how hard this was going to be, and then one day-my heart cried out. My heart cried out that my life was not going to be ruined, that my boyfriend and I could give life to this child.
In the following days, after finding out that our parents could not legally make us have the abortion, we decided to give our child life. Our parents, friends, teachers – just about everyone around us- said we would not make it. They told us we were a bad example to kids our age, and questioned the kind of life we would give a child.
It broke me down every single time I heard remarks made behind my back, or to my face – but there was this voice inside me that was telling me we could do this! And we did. It was a very rough pregnancy, one where I endured a lot of judgment and very little support – right up to the day our beautiful baby was born. She was nine pounds of pure joy and love!
A few months after her birth, I walked into a local MOPS group and for the first time, found people who loved me and were accepting of me as a young mom. It was there that I learned about God and His promises and the love He has for us, and it was there, where I eventually gave my life over to Christ.
Looking back I truly believe that God spoke into my heart and helped us find the strength and courage to keep our sweet child, and I thank Him for it every second of my life.
Fast-forward a few more years through those sleepless nights and dirty diapers, and my boyfriend and I got married. That same boy, whose heart broke along with mine when we were only 16 and facing what seemed like an impossible situation, became my husband and my strength. Our daughter was now six, and she was the light of our lives. We faced difficult times, but we persevered. And although we were never supposed to make it, or thrive as a family – we were married that year and bought our first house; a place of our own.
Fast-forward another year or so, and my husband and I found out we were having another child! We were so thrilled, and for a short time, we got to enjoy the thought of becoming a family of 4.
Unfortunately, that sweet baby of ours was called home to the Lord before he was ever born, and we went through some hard times with that as well. By God’s grace, months later, we gave birth to our sweet miracle Isabella Grace. She, much like our first daughter, is the light that we found in darkness – and God has proven to be extremely faithful.
So here we are now, a family who has gone through many obstacles to get to where we are, but one who stands strong by the grace of God. Our first daughter, who without God’s guidance would not be here, is now a bright, loving, smart and beautiful 7 year old who we adore and love so much.
I look back at the beginning of our journey as this incredible family-and think that if we had listened to the world telling us that she should not be born-everything we have now would not be. She may have not been planned, or by worldly standards wanted…but God had His plan, He had our family’s story written far before any of us ever knew it.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ JOSHUA 1:9
Editor’s Note: Original story shared on IAMUNTOLD.ORG – please visit the site to view the music video of UNTOLD, by Matthew West, along with other stories and resources. Story is reprinted here with permission.