I used to find the idea of New Year’s resolutions somewhat silly. After all, it seems that most people give up after a few weeks or months. And if you want to do something for yourself, why wait until it’s a new year?
Well, I think for perhaps the first time I’m really going to try for a resolution. The timing happened to work out though that over the past month I feel like I’ve been having a particularly tough time. I’ve really down on myself. I’ve felt hopeless and helpless. Now as a Catholic I’ve been trying to turn to my faith, but still struggle at times.
Now I don’t know how exactly I’m going to go about this yet, but the New Year seems like a good time as any to get my life in order. Sometimes we do just need an excuse. And if our resolutions benefit us, and we’re able to have discipline and resolve in keeping to them, more power to us.
And where I come to be the idea of looking after myself was that I couldn’t defend so much being pro-life for the unborn child in the womb, while seeing less worth in myself.
I was speaking to a priest and in confiding in him, I mentioned that I consider myself highly pro-life and even write for a pro-life news source. In being so against myself with negative thoughts, I do feel like a bit of a hypocrite then. He could certainly see my reasoning.
The point is, whether you seek religious help or believe in God or not, we are all created equal, with the equal amount of dignity. It is true that the unborn child in the womb is the most vulnerable and defenseless amongst us and so in need of special protection. But we don’t lose the right to life and our dignity once we are born and grow to be less helpless.
Sometimes we need a helping hand, at any stage in our life. Some of our opponents may refer to us as pro-fetus or pro-birth. I don’t know pro-lifers like that, and I’m sure there are very few real like that. But let’s not give the other side any more fuel to their fire.
It’s normal to be down on ourselves once in a while. Some of us may suffer from depression or even suicidal thoughts. But it is just as important to fight for and support ourselves and one another, as it is to do so for the unborn child in the womb. For we all have such great potential, at any and every stage of our lives.