Human Rights

Nancy Keenan and NARAL tout dubious pregnancy rights claims

It’s pro-abortion outlets like NARAL who absurdly reduce unique human beings to abstractions like “the pregnancy.” Not Personhood USA.

Today, NARAL Pro-Choice America President Nancy Keenan sent an e-mail stating that:

In fact, Personhood USA, an extreme group that wants to give full legal rights to a pregnancy, claims to have begun the largest expansion in its history.

First, Personhood USA has never advocated for a pregnancy to have legal rights. Personhood USA advocates that all biologically living human beings should have the right to life starting from their point of formation at conception.

12-17-2012 naral email

Click  image above to view full NARAL email.

Second, “pregnancy” isn’t even a defined tangle object or being, but rather the status or state of carrying offspring. Humans don’t give birth to pregnancies. They give birth to humans, like dogs give birth to dogs or cats give birth to cats. Maybe NARAL should freshen up on some biology lessons as well as review Personhood USA’s position more carefully before misrepresenting it.

Also, it’s funny that NARAL would call the 100% peaceful and law-abiding Personhood USA “extreme.” What standard for “extreme” is NARAL using? Apparently, one is “extreme” for simply supporting the right to life for all humans. If peacefully having a different opinion makes one extreme, then how does NARAL dodge its own label? After all, NARAL gave its “Hall of Fame” designation to a late-term abortionist who perform third trimester terminations opposed by an overwhelming number among the public.

human-fetusThe NARAL e-mail adds that pro-life groups “like Personhood USA have the resources, the numbers, and the momentum to move this country backwards. And their plan is crystal clear–to dismantle our right to choose state by state.” That should be an encouragement to all in the pro-life movement – NARAL considers you a force to be reckoned with. Also of note, NARAL doesn’t use the word “abortion” even once in its e-mail. The people at NARAL have learned that messy things like terminating human life are best left to euphemisms, because while they like being able to abort, they still get squeamish talking directly about it.

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