Last month, Kansas became the first state in the country to ban dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortions, in which a preborn baby is ripped apart limb from limb during the second trimester of pregnancy. Referred to as “dismemberment bans,” similar laws are catching on around the country, with Oklahoma already the second state to come on board. This, naturally, has the abortion lobby very upset.
In a frantic e-mail to supporters, NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue begged for donations to prevent more of the dismemberment bans from spreading. And how she chooses to describe the new laws is rather interesting.
The new law aims to ban a medical procedure that’s the safest and best option for many women facing miscarriage, fetal anomalies, and other complications–putting the judgment of politicians over the advice of a woman’s doctor.
But what’s most dangerous is the law contains no medical language whatsoever–instead it demonizes abortion providers and intentionally uses gory, medically inaccurate language to polarize public opinion.
Copycat bills have been introduced in states across the country, and they’re moving fast. Will you chip in to help fight back?
One might wonder how calling a D&E abortion “dismemberment” is medically inaccurate. After all, that’s exactly what happens. The preborn baby is dismembered in the womb, piece by piece.
Here is how the National Abortion Federation describes the procedure:
Once the forceps has passed through the internal os, open the jaws as widely as possible to encircle the fetal tissue and avoid pushing fetal parts deeper into the fundus… After 16 weeks’ gestation, fetal skeletal development is such that the surgeon can manually sense the presence of fetal parts within the closed jaws… After grasping a fetal part, withdraw the forceps while gently rotating it. This maneuver brings the fetus into the lower uterine segment before the grasped fetal part is separated (if necessary) and removed from the cervix…
If a fetal extremity is brought through the cervix without separation, advance the forceps beyond the extremity to grasp part of the fetal trunk. Bringing the fetal trunk into the lower segment markedly reduces the number of instrument passes into the fundus… During the procedure, try to identify and keep track of fetal parts as they are removed. A “pouch’ or surgical pan at the edge of the gable to catch fetal parts can assist this process.
D&E abortions take place during the second trimester. At this point in the pregnancy, the baby not only has a beating heart and measurable brain waves, but their development truly begins to make huge leaps. The baby’s gender can be determined in the second trimester, and the mother will begin to feel the baby move. The baby produces urine, practices breathing, and their bones begin forming. The baby can hear, swallow, and suck, and their hair, fingernails, and fingerprints begin to form. The baby also begins to respond to their mother’s voice.
It is scientifically undeniable that this is a human being when you look at the fetal development.
Hogue describes this as “polarizing” because it is so “gory” — and she’s right. It is an absolutely horrific, grisly procedure that she does not want Americans to know the details about. After all, if people knew exactly how preborn babies were being killed in the womb, it would only cement the country’s pro-life leanings. And she just can’t have that, right?
Hogue also peddles the typical pro-abortion lie, that women getting late-term abortions do so because of medical necessity, or because of “fetal abnormalities.” But even the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute doesn’t back up this claim. The number of women who get late-term abortions because of medical reasons, either affecting the mother or the baby, are around 2 percent. They are the overwhelming minority.
Most women get abortions in the second or third trimester because they don’t want the baby — period. But Hogue is just doing the typical pro-abortion thing, lying to Americans and trying to play on their sympathies in order to further the cause of abortion.
Americans deserve to know the facts about what happens during abortion. Trying to sanitize the process in order to placate a handful of pro-abortion extremists is dishonest and wrong. If being honest about how abortion is performed is that devastating to the pro-abortion lobby, then maybe they should stop and re-examine just how popular the support for their grisly obsession truly is.