Kellie Copeland, Executive Director of Ohio NARAL, can’t believe you’re so worked up about fetal heartbeats. Lady Macbeth would be proud of her.
CantonRep in Ohio has a detailed, surprisingly fair profile of the abortion debate going on in the state right now over fetal pain and fetal
heartbeat-based abortion bans. The article notes that:
Virtually all [abortions] would become illegal if the fetal heartbeat bill, known as House Bill 125, becomes law.
The proposed heartbeat bill, already passed by a large majority in the House and pending in the Senate, bans abortion as soon as the unborn child’s heartbeat can be detected, which is about 6 weeks LMP at the latest. The leader of NARAL in Ohio gives this tone-deaf rebuttal:
“They can give it whatever cute name they want,” said Kellie Copeland, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio. “(HB 125) is a virtual ban on abortion. It’s a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade. By the time you find out you’re pregnant, abortion is already illegal.”
Most Americans find the first heartbeats of their children, observed via ultrasound, to be fascinating and magical. Not sure they would take so well to the jeering cynicism of a bitter pro-abortion hack like Copeland, who has made oafish remarks about unborn children with heartbeats in the past, too.