Abortion advocates got a treat this week when NARAL Pro-Choice America held an online event with NARAL staffers and their own esteemed president, Ilyse Hogue. The #ASKNARAL Pro-Choice Hangout was held on Google+ and featured Hogue and her staffers answering questions from Twitter and discussing the glories of abortion. Oh, and Hogue also made sure to lie about and smear pro-lifers as well. Check out the video:
Here are the most damning remarks from Hogue:
The last three years have been particularly acute, what we’ve seen is that the anti-choice extremists have taken over state houses, they’ve redistricted so that they have an anti-choice extreme minority dominating our house in Congress and they’ve taken over the judicial branch so with the upsurge of the tea party in 2010, what we’re seeing is an attempt to pass anti-choice legislation from forty years is they’re kicking it into high gear. There’s no doubt about that. And part of how they do that is by lying and cheating. We say this all the time. Anti-choice legislators and candidates know that they’re outside of the mainstream. They know that the American public does not agree with them. So when they run for office, they don’t talk about these issues, right? They talk about jobs or the economy, but they steadfastly avoid their extreme positions on choice.
It really is interesting that Hogue and her pro-abortion cronies could be so truly out of touch with reality. Far from being outside the mainstream, for example, the majority of Americans consider themselves pro-life. This is true of young people as well, something former NARAL president Nancy Keenan infamously remarked upon before stepping down. If Hogue’s assertions were true – that pro-life politicians are extremists and out-of-touch with mainstream Americans – these politicians wouldn’t continue to be re-elected. Yet by her own admission, there are more and more pro-life politicians currently in office. She contradicts herself with that statement alone.
And perhaps NARAL should look inwardly if they want to see examples of extremism in action. They’re the ones who fiercely attack parental notification laws, something an overwhelming majority of Americans support. Hogue also fights against mandatory hospital privileges for abortion clinics, blatantly admitting that her priority is not ensuring the safety of women, but keeping abortion clinics open, no matter how shoddy or unsafe. NARAL also opposes bans on late-term abortion, something even most pro-abortion Americans support and that are present in almost every country on the planet. These are the supposedly moderate, mainstream positions of NARAL.
As far as the lying and cheating, Hogue and NARAL are certainly no angels there, either. In fact, NARAL has been caught lying plenty of times – about Kermit Gosnell, claiming they were among the first whistleblowers, even though they didn’t release a statement until two weeks after the trial had started. That’s quite a far cry from being first out of the gate to call attention to Gosnell, as Hogue claimed. She’s also openly lied about abortion, which is no surprise, since distributing false information is a favorite pastime of those in the abortion industry. They’ve tried to hide medical information from students, smeared sidewalk counselors, and claimed that women were better off homeless than helped by pro-lifers. The lies and baseless attacks go on and on and on.
So the question is, who are the real liars and cheaters here? Of course, we can’t ask Ilyse Hogue that. She’s made it extremely clear that women can’t trust anything that comes out of her mouth. If you want to see an extremist, all you have to do is look towards the person heading up NARAL.