
NARAL (really) upset on the success of CPC’s

NARAL has released a “study” about Crisis Pregnancy Centers in California, and the damage they doing to their cause. And why there should be legislation against these kind of Centers.


NARAL recently issued an information package called “Unmasking the Fake Clinics” found at their site here.

They basically present a “study” on the “damage” to the pro-choice culture caused by CPC’s, or Crisis Pregnancy Centers, especially in California.

Paragraph after paragraph you can read all about how they “mislead” women into not killing the pre-born baby, putting the baby up for adoption, etc.

They go to lengths to mention these Centers are run mostly by volunteers and not professional medical personnel, ad also that these Centers are funded by conservative Christian groups for the most part.

Instead of being upset, I was actually amused at their efforts. However, they are setting the groundwork to ban these Centers or to make them post signs outside that they don’t offer contraception or abortions, like here and here.

They are afraid.

Afraid not only that overwhelming scientific data proves that life starts at conception, but that their clientele, generations Y and Millenniala are not buying into their lies.

They try to prove in their study how the CPC’s coerce women not to have abortions. If anything, a CPC will guide women in such a fragile state to make a decision without pressure, but with all the facts, so they really know what is happening to their bodies, and inside their bodies.

I should point out that even though most Centers are run by volunteers, not any Joe out of the street can provide an ultrasound. This has to be done by a licensed person., unlike some abortion clinics like here.

Also, note how they despise the fact that the Centers run without any federal/state or other governmental aid. It is the community pulling together to help those most vulnerable amongst us.

Last, they criticize the CPC’s for informing people that abortion and contraception cause cancer, infertility and depression,  saying it is all a lie.

Are they actually saying the CDC is lying here?
Or the National Institute of Health here? and here?

I could go on and on, especially in the ABC Link. But I suggest that you read the article by NARAL, and think about who really the propagandist is, and what their motives are.

Or are they that upset that Other People’s Choice is not their kind of choice?

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