
NARAL smears parental consent abortion bill as “Arrest Grandma Act”

…And advocates for making sexual predators’ lives easier at the same time.

The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) is currently making its way through Congress right now. This bill would make it a crime to transport a minor across state lines to get around state parental notification laws. It also requires that abortion facilities comply with parental notification laws, getting parental consent if the state requires it.

A bill like this is needed for plenty of reasons, parental rights being just one of them. And as Live Action has uncovered, abortion clinics – most notably Planned Parenthood – are often all too happy to cover up crimes such as child sex trafficking and the rapes and abductions of young girls in order to cash in. This bill would protect children from being exploited by adults, as well as the rights of parents to make decisions about their children’s medical care.

Nancy Keenan, NARAL President and abortion activist.

Naturally, though, NARAL is hopping mad. As Life Site News reported, NARAL, the country’s largest abortion lobby, has begun to smear and distort this bill, calling it the “Arrest Grandma Act.”

A young woman facing an unintended pregnancy must make one of the most difficult and personal decisions of her life.

Shouldn’t a teen in this situation get all the family and community support that she needs – especially if she chooses abortion? Isn’t this what “family values” is all about?

Anti-choice leaders in Congress apparently don’t think so. The U.S. House of Representatives is about to pass a bill that would rip a teen’s community safety net right out from under her.

The “Arrest Grandma” Act (officially called the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act) would make it a federal crime for anyone other than a parent—such as a loving grandmother, aunt, or clergy member—to accompany a young woman to another state for abortion care.

Of course, the first thing you might notice is that the very real threat of sexual predators forcing young girls to get abortions – which, as noted above, has happened multiple times – was completely left out. To them, this is about taking away a teenager’s “community safety net” and about protecting real “family values.”

Basically, in NARAL’s world, another family member or a friend should be able to override the wishes of a parent if they he or she wants to. This position is absolutely reprehensible. Their argument is that if a parent doesn’t want his or her daughter to have an abortion, a grandparent or aunt (or any other average adult) should be able to override that parental decision and take her anyway.

Consider that there is virtually no other elective medical procedure that a child can get without parental consent. A child also cannot get a tattoo without approval from his or her parents. Yet we are supposed to allow young girls to get a major medical procedure without her parents’ approval?

The people at NARAL are completely out of line on this issue, for their distortion of the facts as well as their desire to take away parental rights in order to ease the path to abortion for underage girls. When you add in the fact that what they are advocating for also helps sexual predators cover up their crimes and continue their exploitation of young girls, it’s even more disgusting.

An organization making the above arguments in the name of “protecting family values” would be laughable if it weren’t so sickening.

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