An evangelical organization in Charlotte, NC has established a home for pregnant women and girls — offering free room and board, as well as free counseling and life preparation. The group is one of hundreds across the country that quietly aims to fight abortion by providing love and hands-on support to women in need, by encouraging adoption or raising the pre-born babies themselves.
As part of their mission statement, Lois’ Lodge “seeks to exhibit practical love through holistic ministries that assist in the development of life skills, career skills, and wise decision making … to provide care for both the mother and her unborn child through sound medical care, a healthy environment, pre-natal coaching, and wise counsel about parenting options.”
Read more about Lois’ Lodge here:
The average age of clients is 22, said executive director Debbie Durrell. The home takes referrals from “pregnancy crisis centers” that counsel women against abortions, from the foster care system, and others.
Of the 80 clients helped since 2003, 25 have given up their babies for adoption, and the rest have kept their babies.
— 2011 (c) Live Action —