Nebraska Senator Joni Albrecht is sponsoring a bill in the state’s legislature that would ensure women seeking an abortion have information regarding the abortion pill reversal process. The proposal, Legislative Bill 209, would require abortionists to give women complete information about the reversal process before prescribing a medication abortion.
“I am proud to introduce a pro-woman, pro-information, pro-life, and pro-choice bill that will benefit all women who, after beginning the abortion pill process, want a second chance at choice,” Sen. Albrecht said.
Sen. Albrecht was joined at a press conference by Rebekah Buell Hagan, who now has a healthy 5-year-old son after going through the abortion pill reversal process in 2013. Hagan spoke of her instant regret after taking the abortion pill. “By the time I walked to my car (after taking the first pill), I felt the kind of grief that can only be described as a mother grieving the loss of her very wanted child,” she said. “I turned to my phone looking for a way out. I discovered I was not the first girl to feel regret. I found the Abortion Pill Reversal website. The people who answered the hotline were kind and understanding and explained the reversal process to hopefully save my baby’s life.”
Hagan’s regret after taking the abortion pill is hardly unusual. In fact, according to Heartbeat International, over 500 babies have been born healthy after the abortion pill reversal process. These babies were all born because their mothers changed their mind after taking the first pill.
READ: These babies were saved by abortion pill reversal. So were hundreds of others.
The abortion pill reversal treatment works when started within 72 hours from the time the woman takes mifepristone, which is the first of two pills in the abortion. Watch the video below for more details on the process:
One study showed that up to 68 percent of women who started the reversal process went on to have healthy babies.
Despite the abortion pill reversal’s success rate, there are many stories of women who reached out to their abortion facility with regret after taking the first pill, only to be told that it was too late to save the baby. Sen. Albrecht’s bill would ensure that women get the information they need on the possibility of abortion pill reversal.
“We all sometimes make decisions that we wish we could take back,” she said. “I introduced this bill because I believe every woman deserves to be given all the information she needs to make a truly informed choice.”