
Nebraska lawmaker vows to filibuster all bills until pro-life bill is withdrawn


One Nebraska lawmaker has vowed to filibuster every bill that is presented in the state’s legislature until bills focusing on offering pro-life protections for preborn humans and protecting minors from transgender procedures are withdrawn from consideration.

Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh, a Democrat in the state’s unicameral legislature, said she will aim to stall the advancement of two bills — LB 626, a bill protecting preborn children from abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected, and LB 574, which would prohibit gender-altering procedures on minors. “You cannot stop me,” she said. “I will not be stopped.”

“If this legislature collectively decides that legislating hate against children is our priority, then I am going to make it painful; painful for everyone,” Cavanaugh said Thursday. “Because if you want to inflict pain upon our children, I am going to inflict pain upon this body. I have nothing, nothing but time, and I am going to use all of it.”

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It’s impossible to ignore the irony in Cavanaugh’s statement when she speaks of “inflicting pain upon our children,” as there is nothing more painful to a child than abortion, which ends that child’s life. During an abortion, the preborn child is either starved to death, suctioned out of the womb, ripped apart limb by limb, or poisoned with an injection. Research has shown that the child in the womb may experience pain potentially as early as eight weeks — meaning the child is quite possibly subjected to the pain of the torturous procedure that ends her life.

Cavanaugh appeared to make good on her threat Thursday by introducing five motions and three amendments to a bill discussing property tax refunds, all of which failed. During the debate, Cavanaugh used up time on the floor by discussing non-related issues, like the differences between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.

“I want to annoy you,” she said. “I want you to genuinely be frustrated to all get out with me.”

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