
Network of Catholic universities in Argentina demand courts protect preborn children

Argentina, pro-life

An organization of Catholic universities in Argentina has told the courts that the legal system must protect preborn children from the country’s recently enacted abortion law, according to the National Catholic Register.

The Argentine Network of Catholic and Catholic Oriented Universities released a statement calling the nation’s 2020 abortion law an “offense to the constitutional legal order” and said that the network wants “to reiterate our identity with the culture of life, demanding that the legal order protect the human being from conception to natural death.”

On December 30, 2020, Argentina voted to legalize abortion up to 14 weeks, two weeks after the lower house of Argentina’s Congress also voted in favor of abortion. Previously, abortion in Argentina was only permissible in cases of rape or when the mother’s health was considered to be at risk, though intentionally killing a preborn child is never medically necessary. The Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Bill allows abortion for any reason up to 14 weeks when preborn children are already well-developed with a beating heart and brain waves, and the ability to feel pain.

Within months of the law’s passage, a 23-year-old pro-abortion leader in Argentina died from her legal abortion.

The network of Catholic universities reaffirmed its “commitment to the exercise of fundamental freedoms, working tirelessly with fidelity and trust for the sacred right to life of all human life” and argued that the constitution of Argentina protects the right to life.

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“From our constitutional system it emerges that the concepts of ‘child’, ‘human person’ and ‘human being’ are assimilated, the formal recognition that one is a ‘child’ ‘from conception to 18 years of age’, that the right to life is therefore protected from conception and, even more so, that the life of the human embryo is also protected outside the mother’s womb,” reads the statement.

The network also cited another law — the “thousand-days law” — that “requires the protection of the child ‘from pregnancy until the end of the elementary school period, and of the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding time’.” The group said, “Legalizing abortion also implies recognizing the failure in this protection of maternity.”

In addition to reconfirming its own commitment to fight for the lives of preborn human beings, the network called on all pro-lifers to “be very courageous” and “trust” that the law will be ruled unconstitutional by the courts. Rather than legalized elective abortion, it said the nation should create laws that protect pregnant women and preborn children who are in vulnerable situations “without discrimination or valuing one person over the other, inspired by the principle of equal and inviolable dignity of every human being.”

Sixty percent of Argentina’s citizens are considered to be pro-life, and thousands marched against the bill to legalize abortion. However, pro-abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood pressured politicians to legalize abortion there to help pave the way for other mostly pro-life nations to do the same.

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